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I few years ago I went to a few Bonsai Kai (central London) club meets, but it was difficult if I were to drive in (being central London), in order to bring material along. I’ve wanted to join a club but my nearest is Sutton, which is still pretty far away.

I go to most the shows though and there’s a handful of people who I’d bump into at the shows to have a chat but not otherwise in touch with other Bonsai nerds, how about you?

I see. Yeah, London is a challenge in general to have bonsai hobby acc to my reasearch. I am very ‘theory mainly’ bonsai practitioner sadly and the real party in my case will probably start in few years time when planning to have my own place to live with garden which is what Im working on and hence it takes loads of my time and energy.
I’ve been just couple of times for some talks and events one of them in Nottingham bonsai centre.
Knowing nobody with same hobby and tbh partly cos of being a bit of an introvert :relaxed: I speak 0 bonsai with actual human beings except typing here when having something to say or confident enough using the knowledge gained. Would be happy for shout in case you are going to an event or so and practice bonsai language/share experiences :slight_smile:

ah yes, I can relate to that. I suppressed the interest for 12 years until a couple of years ago when I got to where you mentioned you’re planning to be in a few years time. More power to you if you have the patience to study the theory without properly putting it into practice (or at least not at the scale you want). Still, there is a few things to do even if you don’t have a garden or balcony… If you’re not already, get yourself on the waiting list for local allotment (can be years waiting but it’s not expensive), then get some trees growing-on in the ground there. Also, there’s nothing stopping you locating, recording the location, and trunk chopping material you can come back to collect in a few years time (with some primary branch candidates to select from :D).

Sure thing, will give you a shout. In fact i’m heading up to North London’s show next month (Sunday 23rd June) – just a club show but worth going and Capel Manor gardens (where it’s held) is always a pleasure to walk round. Let know if you’re free.

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Super useful piece of info re allotment, thank you.
I have few starter trees on the window and on a found shoe shelf which looks kinda like a bench in front yard. So now and then there is something to put my hands on luckily :slight_smile: but anyway digging into ways how to get that allotment in the future.
Nothing in my diary for June 23 so I would be up for it.

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Anyone north of Seattle… Sno County area? I live in the Everett area, so I go down to PSBA when I can, and drive more than an hour north to Bellingham for PSBS (Skagit) gatherings. It would be great to connect with bonsai artists without spending more time in my car than the duration of the gathering!

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His nursery is right off Freeport Blvd in Sacramento. He and his wife are there until noon most days. You should check it out right now if you can, some of the Azaleas are in bloom and impressive. Maruyama Bonsai Nursery 1415 47th Ave Ste F, Sacramento, CA 95822 (916) 421-6888

I’m in Southeast Minnesota, if anyone is around the area, and in need of simpatico!


Anyone here from Berlin/Germany? :slight_smile:


Hi, just joined Mirai. Love the learning style, finally found a way to progress my bonsai skills. Awesome amount of knowledge. Well set up and easy to use. Im based in UK. In Newport. Wales.



I live in Woodland. I don’t have a lot of trees or advice, but I have a lot to learn.


Fresno Bonsai Society. Central California

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That makes two of us brother. It’ll be two years in August since I started this, never realizing what I was getting into. After having tortured a number of expensive pre-bonsais to death, I think I’m finally catching on. I have about 10 that I’m developing at various stages of development. Come dormancy I will be repotting a number of them. I live in Vacaville, so we are practically neighbors. Where in Woodland do you live? And do you attend the Sac bonsai club?

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Anyone else from Switzerland here on Mirai? I live near Schaffhausen.

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Anyone in souther california? In orange county? hit me up. Looking for peeps to go yamadori hunting :slight_smile:


well here in australia I live in Goulburn NSW. I know the biggest club near us is the Canberra Club. But our little club only has about 15 active members but we are so proud of what we achieve. There is about three of us that have 30 years of experience but apart from the experience we bring it is also the social side of our hobby that holds our club together.

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I’m in the north-east of France, in Champagne-Ardennes, almost on the border to Belgium. My local club is organizing next year’s national exhibition at the end of May.

I do know there’s people from France on Mirai, but I don’t think I’ve seen them post much on the forum.


I live in Northwest Louisiana anyone else live in the area?

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Frigiliana near Malaga Spain

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Hi @Daubz1977. There is a Bonsai Society in Lincoln. Not sure of their details though. I’m slightly North to that and attend the North Notts Bonsai Society at Misterton. We also have members who travel from Doncaster and Scunthorpe. There’s also the NE Lincs bonsai Society at Grimsby. Plenty to choose from…

Hello all,
I live in the Inland Empire of Southern California, and just re upped my membership to Baiko-En Bonsai Kenkyukai. Great club, took a year off as I moved homes and with 2020 around the corner I am ready to add and refine to my collection. Anyone else around here?

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