What are the pro level benefits

i just upgraded to pro and have ben watching the pro video content i see Ryan reviewing peoples trees how does one get that done and what other features are there that i might want to look in to ?

Chris Anderson

I feel the main benefits for pro are the subspecies calendars on the new app.

For me, being in a totally different time zone, the other benefits were not all that accessible.


I did not realize that was part of the upgrade. To bad everyone doesn’t have it.

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Hi there, I wanted to share a list of all the pro level benefits in case you didn’t see it on our website:

Mirai Live Access:

  • Everything included with Standard, plus…
  • Interact and ask questions with the Live Chat function during streams.
  • Join monthly lectures with Live Q&A addressing all of your bonsai questions, and bi-monthly Forum Q+As for practitioners in different time zones.
  • Exclusive Pro videos to advance your bonsai education to the next level.
  • Critiques to help you build your display and composition skills.
  • Ask questions, get answers, and interact directly with the Mirai team in an exclusive forum group for Pro members.
  • Unlimited HD streaming of the entire video library including live streams, past Q+As, and design-focused critiques.

Mirai Mobile Access:

  • Everything included with Standard, plus…

  • Tracking of 50 trees, up to 20 images per tree in the “My Trees” section, additional tree capacity available as an upgrade.

  • Full access to Academy Courses.

  • First access to new feature launches.

@Leah … or Anyone who knows! Sorry if this was said or is obvious but can you clarify, are the Live Q&A’s going to be bi-weekly, monthly or bi-monthly moving forward?

thanks in advance your help!

@chris_anderson that is done in the Live Q&A submitted through the forum when they “open” for the next recording.

The live Q+A is a feature on our monthly lecture series, while our Forum Q+A sessions, dedicated to providing advice on bonsai questions or critiques, occur twice a month. Though not recorded live, these sessions are added to the library for convenient access.

Let me know if you have any other questions or need additional support!



Very good thank you

Chris Anderson

Hi Leah, will the live sessions be added to the “Live Calendar” on the home page of Mirai Live?
I also recently joined Pro and this calendar feature is empty…

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I have pro but I’ve never had a Mirai person respond to my forum questions. I have to supplement with other resources. I’m not sure about renewing. I feel like I might have wasted the money but I’m willing to give it a good go this year. The Mirai app might be good but I’m a deciduous and elongated person so…I’m still in a holding pattern for most of my trees. It looks like there are very little Gingko resources, too. I’m trying to stay open minded for now, as it’s just kicking off. But the website library is also a little light on Gingko.

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With Mirai’s move from Live Streams and Live QA to the new app, the Pro benefits are much different. You don’t have access to Ryan for live questions, there are no more weekly live streams, you can still use the Forum QA however. And once a month, for now, there will be a 2-3 hour Lecture live stream (with a QA at the end).

With the app, at the pro level you get more features, such as the calendars and the Academy videos (very limited at the moment), but it’s such early days of the app, who knows how or if there is value there.


Hi Carlos, Yes! The calendar will be updated whenever we have live events scheduled in the future.

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Hey Theresa, if you have a bonsai related question or critique that you’d like Ryan’s input on, we suggest utilizing the apex Forum Q+A. We run this bi-monthly and would be a great way to get the most out of your Pro membership benefits. Let me know if you’d like more information on this benefit.


Hi Leah, please let us know how to access the apex Forum Q+A. Meaning, how to send our questions + photos etc. I understand these are not live sessions.


Hi Carlos,

In our bi-monthly Forum Q+A, Ryan will personally address your questions or critiques in a recorded or live video, which will be subsequently posted to our library for you to review.

Here’s a video we made that helps with understanding how the forum works, as well as how to post in the Forum Q+A.

After logging into your account at https://live.bonsaimirai.com/ you can watch the video at this link: https://live.bonsaimirai.com/library/video/how-to-use-the-forum-qa.

Let me know if you have any follow up questions!


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Sorry but how do I participate in the live q&a

If you are a pro member you can join the live chat during a live stream, this only applies to our monthly lectures and our future live streaming events. Forum Q+A is not recorded live, but if you are curious on how to use the Forum I shared instructions above that can help guide you. Let me know if you have any other questions!


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The I don’t know if I can make it live but how do I get into the forum q&a?

Here’s a video we made that helps with understanding how the forum works, as well as how to post in the Forum Q+A.

After logging into your account at https://live.bonsaimirai.com/ you can watch the video at this link: https://live.bonsaimirai.com/library/video/how-to-use-the-forum-qa.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Hi Leah,
although i levelt up to pro, i don´t see the apex in the forum …
I signed out and in again, but no pro-forum named apex