What are the pro level benefits

Holy cow me too lol I’ve been missing out lol how do I get this fixed

I looked into the backend and am seeing it populate on your account. Can you confirm that the page you are seeing when on the home page of the forum looks like this?:

Make sure you are logged in when accessing the forum portion of our website, sometimes it can log you out after transfer from Mirai Live to our Forum.

Can you confirm you can open this link to the apex? https://forum.bonsaimirai.com/c/apex/9

Once on the apex forum, if you are looking to join a Q+A you can only do so if it’s an open Q+A week. This week happens to be one so try to join the most recent one here: https://forum.bonsaimirai.com/t/forum-q-a-195-week-of-2-5-24/11340

That is where you can submit your bonsai photo’s and questions.

Let me know if you have any questions or if it’s still not populating for you.


I looked into the backend and am seeing it populate on your account. Can you confirm that the page you are seeing when on the home page of the forum looks like this?:

Make sure you are logged in when accessing the forum portion of our website, sometimes it can log you out after transfer from Mirai Live to our Forum.

Can you confirm you can open this link to the apex? https://forum.bonsaimirai.com/c/apex/9

Once on the apex forum, if you are looking to join a Q+A you can only do so if it’s an open Q+A week. This week happens to be one so try to join the most recent one here: https://forum.bonsaimirai.com/t/forum-q-a-195-week-of-2-5-24/11340

That is where you can submit your bonsai photo’s and questions.

Let me know if you have any questions or if it’s still not populating for you.


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Ahh it seems it was user error I got it now lol


After clearing browser and cache, its finally working and i have got access to the apex…

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You get to say your a PRO, best benefit!

In all seriousness for me the greatest benefit is being able to submit specific questions about your tree questions via Q&A along with the entire video library. To me this is more valuable than having the app and was the reason I upgraded 6 months back.