Welcome to Mirai Mobile

The complete/skip function should be fixed now!

Yeah does not seem to be working 100Ā©

Can you confirm that itā€™s still not working for you as 6/26? Thanks!

Itā€™s great to take and complete all the classes in the academy section of the App. Iā€™m loving the information the classes provide in a timely manner.
It would be very helpful if we could easily Identify the classes we have completed and which are new. Maybe a ā€œcompleted classesā€œ button for sorting the Academy library.
Thanks for all the hard work !! I really appreciate it.

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I agree it is nice to know the complete ones but more important to know the ones you have not done yet.

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I agree. A tick box on each course in the same way as we have on the video section on the website when we have viewed a video.

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Hi is it possible to remove ā€œSkippedā€ to a tree? I clicked skipped by mistake but canā€™t ā€œunskippedā€

Not working for me either

Just a heads up. It sounds like you uploaded part one of Lindsey Fars interview on the podcast twice Instead of uploading part two. Both part one and part two on the podcast are the exact same?

The updated episode - Part 2 is out now: Bonsai Mirai: Asymmetry Podcast - The World of Bonsai with Lindsay Farr: Part 2 | Free Listening on Podbean App

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Iā€™m just wondering if the Pro calendars should be auto activating or if they arenā€™t ready yet still?

It looks like some people are able to use the pine sub calendars, but the couple of trees I have arenā€™t being kicked into the sub calendars.

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Please add filter in cources to hide completed and to sort by level of expertise

I donā€™t necessarily want to hide the completed but I would like the uncompleted ones highlighted in some way .


I agree. Itā€™s complicated to find the new courses for those of us that have taken all the courses available. Maybe have a check mark on the courses we have completed. Similar to the website or on the ā€œCompletedā€ sort list all the classes with a ā€œCompleted ā€œ section and anā€ incomplete ā€œ section so we can quickly see what is new and what we still can take for the first time.

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Yup just needs to be more clear what we have and havenā€™t done yet


Oh goodness me I just realized I have a bunch of academy courses. When did all these ones show up. We really need something so that I know when I have new info to process. Please please please.

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Dear Mirai Team, today I installed the new update which says ā€žSupport for pro calendarsā€œ. It would be helpful to release a bit more specific information what changes can we expect, either in the version history or as a pop up in the app. For me it generated expectations to get further pro calendars we are waiting for - but canā€™t find any changes yet. Thanks for your hard work on the app, cheers PM

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Hey, does anyone know what these letters mean on the new deciduous content?

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No idea and i dont have any letters like that in my calender. Ive got a pro subscription but nothing has changed for me sofar :thinking:

The following letters indicate which stage(s) of development each action applies to:

A - All stages
P - Primary
S - Secondary
T - Tertiary

For example, ā€œPSā€ means the action is suitable for trees in either the Primary or Secondary stages. Any combination of these letters serves as a guide for which development stages the action encompasses. Certain tasks will have multiple videos. Tasks with multiple videos will have the video options under the description and heading titled ā€œOther Stagesā€ in stead of at the top of the calendar activity.