Does anyone know when the bonsai Mirai App will be released? I keep hearing about it but don’t know when it will be released.
Fingers crossed that we hear soon!
Any updates on the Mirai App? I’d love to use it, but don’t currently have the time to watch all the videos.
I hear that the beta will be released in the next 2 months. Do we have any way of signing up to this beta as I would love to be part of the testing process of the app.
I live in NW france so can help with regional nuances plus I have extensive experience working with and testing new IT systems and processes so can happily help out identifying any ‘features’ that may come along as part of this process.
@Mirai_Staff feel free to reach out to me directly if I can be of help
Bump+ following this thread
Hoping the App will have a calendar for the most common/frequently used species.
Me as well. I mainly want the JBP timing since I’ve yet to really play with those.
Hello there. Thanks for reaching out. Can you provide your email address? Also, are you using ios, or android?
Thanks again,
Yes. Put me down for the iOS version, please.
Hi Ira,
I am on the latest IOS, although I do have have an android phone as well but please don’t make me use it! .
Email is
Thanks and I look forward to seeing to what this new app can do
Would love the chance to kick the wheels! Didnt know there was an option…
I have lots of time and some expertise.
Android version, please.
I would love to be a beta tester as well, iOS.
I would also love to beta test. I have an android phone.