Sourcing pumice and lava?

Looking to source pumice and lava in the appropriate particle sizes any suggestions?

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I get my pumice from the local seed and pet. Make sure it is the1/4 inch not larger. 5- 25 lb bag.
Red lava from the local landscape supplier. Have to sift (onsite into 5 gal buckets) the 1/8–1/4 inch size. I also retain the 1/10 for very small bonsai. Easy to make a 1/8-- and 1/4" sifters out of appropriate hardware cloth and wood. Or buy a good quality set.
I ordered akadama through a online site. Was disapointed by the size range. TOO much large >1/4". Ordered medium … Buying through our bonsai club from Japan now.
I`m MIXING 50 gallons of 1:1:1 (or other) every other year…
Good luck.

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Olceski, where do you live?

Warren Michigan just outside of Detroit.

Thanks kertP good info

The best source should be your local bonsai clubs and there should be some in your area. Local bonsai clubs are an invaluable source of saupplies and practical experience growing bonsai in your region from a plant material and practice view.

Having said that, “pumice” comes in many forms. In Toronto, we finally found a supplier than delivers pumice similar to what I have seen in Japan. If, you can’t find pumice locally, the Toronto Bonsai Society sells some at our Fall Show and Sale in October. Let me know if you are interested… It is a long drive but hopefully the pumice and the bonsai will make it worth your while.

Thanks David! Good info.

Olceski, Going to the National in Rochester?

I use these guys and have been very happy with what they have sent me.
I have no affiliation with them other than having bought pumice from them BTW. I use expanded shale instead of lava. I find it to be readily available and serves the same purpose as lava for me.


Wow, that’s a solid price. Do you get the 3/8" size bag and sift from there?


@nemo1107 It comes pre sifted. Little to no waste, or smaller particle size. I actually buy all three sizes and mix them as needed. The 3/8 is pretty chunky stuff, the size of fingernails. I use it more for collected trees the 1/8 and 3/16 get more use in my pots for sure.

They will also send pallet orders for a fraction of the price. My club and I are trying to figure something out and have pumice for quite some time.

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That’s great. I’ll have to check that out when I need to re-supply.

I use Mother Earth Volcanite Pumice

Approximately 7.4 gallons (28 liters) and it is 1/32 - 3/8 particle sized. I sift it, but I also get it for like $12 from a hydroponics store. If you can find one with this stuff it is definitely the go to that I’ve found. Ask them if they can special order it as well if they don’t have it.

Pumice is back in stock on Amazon

Nature’s Footprint Pumice Soil amendment, 5-Gallon