I had asked about potting this RMJ on the forum Q&A last week. The video was posted this week. This is a potential Sara Rayner pot that she has on hand. The pot is almost 14" round I think I need a 15". The scale is close on my bad photoshop job.
My immediate reaction is that it is a profoundly masculine tree in a feminine pot. Having a rectangular pot with either sharp corners or cut off corners would give the tree the space to grow a shallow wider mat of roots and would make the tree more stable in strong wind and snow. The pictured pot would need an artificial tie down or blocking to not topple over. I love Sara Rayner but a more traditional pot may be a better choice.
same here. The details in the lower portion of the pot do not match the tree imo. I think it also visually elongates the pot which does not work too well with the direction of the tee.
I don’t necessarily agree that the pot is too feminine or to tall an slender. I don’t have a problem with the height of the container, actually kind of like this height as it contrasts the horizontal nature of the tree. My only real question about this pot whether it is large enough for this tree. Seems to me the base and nebari of the tree is to large for the upper width/diameter of this pot. Can you go wider?
I think you could make it work if the final foliage was reduce and lightened buy 60+%, the rootspread seems very horizontal and maybe it’s shutting down the flow from pot to tree, possibly show a little soil on one side giving it direction ? As mentioned a flared lip would emphasise the trunk.
Both are great peices looking forward to seeing it.
I love all of the feedback. Here are two more that Sara has suggested that might work better. This is from her current stock.
This one is 16" inside. “The bottom pot is 16 inside at the very top, but tapers quickly to 15 inches at 1 inch down, and then 14 inches at 2 inches down”.
I still have my troubles with the decoration at the bottom. So my vote goes for the second one. Hard to say w/o more pictures or even seeing the tree live, but I think the steeper angle works better.
Oh, and if not mentioned before. Great tree and brilliant problem Tonhalle to find a fitting container.
I feel like these two trees are similar, and thus the pot choice should be more alike. That’s just me.
Of the pots you have posted the 3rd is my favorite so far, but click this and see what ya think. https://goods.bonsaimirai.com/
I love hearing the different replies. Sara has a couple more that she will be firing that might fit as well. SO we shall see. I would really like to pot this tree this spring but I am not opposed to waiting another year. I will update when I have other pots.
Currently I am waiting for Sara Rayner to fire a pot that she thinks will be good. Then I can decide. I am also considering having Thor make a pot as well. I will update as time goes. Still not sure if I will repot this tree this year or next. I would like to get it into a pot before I have to start reducing more root.
So far it is this pot. I have Sara holding it for me. She is firing some new pots and will be unloading next week. She is going to be sending me some pictures then of the new pots. So we shall see. Then it is just a matter of getting them shipped up to me.