Live stream ideas - Give us Feedback!

Juniper branch/foliage cleaning/thinning on completely unstyled, raw, first-time handled material. Deadwood has been thoroughly demonstrated.
Looking how to handle foliage the very first time one touches an overgrown, healthy specimen juniper.


Were planning on an apex-focused stream in April or May!


I recently purchase a home here in LA and just cleared the backyard. I think it would be cool to see how Ryan / Troy built all the various bonsai benches and stands they made out in the Mirai garden and what was their approach to the design knowing that they have so many different types and size trees with an evolving collection.

Eventually I want to create some stands and benches similar to the pictures I see at the Mirai garden. It’s all just spectacular! Thanks!


Hello Mirai Team, first of all, I really love your live streams!!!:grinning:
I would like to learn more about how to expose root on a plant and how to put it on a rock.

best regards


You could always mirror your iPad to your Apple tv, that’s what i do. :+1:

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This. A big fat steaming plate of this.


Ficus Benjamina Bonsai … perhaps the most common tropical species used for bonsai. When presenting this subject, connect its styling to the basic and “universal” principles that underly all bonsai design (if that is possible to do).


I would also love a Mirai garden tour/set-up bench construction…even as a vid outside of the stream, like the yamadori box construction video with Troy talking about construction and layout…greenhouses, as well would be great for many of us. Troy has a lot of woodworking and bonsai knowledge that I would love to see shared, plus his overalls rule.


+1 for collecting trees. Our club and most of the clubs here go on “diggs” at least once a year. I am sure we could be doing better :+1:


Yes!!! A japanese maple stream is coming!

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I would like a topic of Sweet gum tree and Field maple, this last one about how to make short internodes.

Thank you!


I would like to see the live stream moved back 1 hour for those of us on the east coast. That or moved to a Friday or Saturday.

I realize East coasters may not be as important as those who live closer to Portland but just 1 hour would make a huge difference.


Or you could start a grass-roots effort to get Oregon to adopt Daylight Standard Time as a their permanent time. Well, no, you’d have the same problem from November through March.

Hmmm… friggin time math

@marks No matter what time the live stream starts the time will be inconvenient for some. The fact that we live on a planet that rotates and are 40 unique time zones based on UTC offset. However there are 198 time zones abbreviations around the world, including daylight saving time zones… So the live stream occurs at 2am the next day in Ireland. I am grateful that the live stream occurs at any time, and have recently upgraded to tier 2 so I can view many of them at my convenience or multiple times to refresh my memory. I wish the east coast broadcasts would be later. But that is the way time works. Only an old dudes opinion. No time will be convenient for all.


2 more random ideas…

What about a interactive live stream…maybe more of a nursery stock starter tree…and then use the chat as an interactive tool…pick the front…pick a potting angle, a pot…pick the branches to keep, the ones that go…pick a point of jin…let the crowd create a tree and Ryan execute the whims of the masses and see what comes out. Is it the tree Ryan saw when we began? Does the Mirai gang like the outcome? In a way put our knowledge base to the test.


idea 2…and this maybe more a pod cast or a secondary vid
We hear all the time…“Oh put that in the ground for a few years and let it grow.” But what does that really entail. Most of us don’t have a field, so that tree is going in the landscape of a yard. So where to plant? How to trim for maximum success in a “field grown” piece. Odds are we wont have the space for lots of trees but maybe 4 or 5 to field grow in the backyard, or a flower bed. So how do we make the most of the rather limited chances for this sort of “field growing” or Yardadori?


Literati for me please


Secondary and tertiary wiring also please. I get the impression this is coming as part of a series but its not clear when.


On-site yamadori collecting!

For that matter, on-site any topic.


Re: Yamadori Juniper Repot - just for a laugh:
Proper hand gesture for a Mahalo farewell is going to be the “shaka”. Grasp the middle 3 fingers against your palm, stick out your pinky finger laterally and balance the composition with your thumb; fundamental Aloha concept.

This was a great stream, a lot of things to take away. Next level stuff. Thanks!