I’m not sure if my question is appropriate for this forum, but I’ll give it a shot anyway
I’ve had my eye on this Arakawa for a while now, but I can’t seem to make up my mind about getting it. Yet I keep coming back to it, imagining all the possible designs I could create with it.
Photo 1:
The nebari isn’t too bad, but the root facing us is a bit of an issue for me…
I really like the branch that goes to the left; I think with some wiring, something could be done with it.
Photo 6:
You can see there’s a big scar. I think if it’s worked on properly, it could close in 4–5 years.
Photo 8:
Ryan always says, “best base, best line, best feature,” so I think this angle could be the front.
To be honest, I’m having a hard time visualizing how to make it more beautiful and interesting.
Should I prune it heavily and create something new, or do you think I can work with the existing branches?
What do you think about this tree ?
Thanks to those who take the time to read and share their feedback!
Im still new in this passion so take my thoughts/ideas with a grain of salt. But maybe i can also profit from posting my thoughts and hearing different members opinions.
I am still at trying to figure out the basics of pruning etc so my design ideas are still very basic but here goes.
I like the tree, has a great trunk and i love arakawa anyway so…
Id say the apex on the right side will need to have a couple of branches removed. As i see it there are quite a few branches emerging from more or less the same point.
Designwise i find it difficult to so where to go with it. There is a lack of branches on the right side and seems to be quite straight there aswel. Maybe it could be grown out higher and larger and maybe leaned to the right a bit more. By growing it taller you can make up for the lack of branches on the right side as the proportions get corrected. By leaning it to the right you take away the very straight line offf of vertical.
Thanks for the chance to use and train my bonsai brain by thinking about your tree! I am looking forward to more opinions