Hi everyone,
The following tree is being sold and it kinda got my attention. I wonder what do you guys and gals think of it? Worth trying to get it? Anyone got experience with yatdubusa mikawas?
Hi everyone,
The following tree is being sold and it kinda got my attention. I wonder what do you guys and gals think of it? Worth trying to get it? Anyone got experience with yatdubusa mikawas?
What’s the price? I like it alot it would just depend on the cost… it was worth it
Interesting tree. Parts of the primary structure look a bit like bamboo due to the ring-like texture of each node. I like the movement of the base. The tree seems very healthy, it has lots of branches and options for the design. I’m not a fan of the bjg long straight branch off the bottom. I’d definitely consider buying it.
Its on a local bidding platform similar to ebay. Currently its priced at 99 swiss francs which is roughly 110 USD. At the moment there arent any bids on it. Maybe that will change but ive had my eye on it now for 48 hours and no one has bid on it yet.
I like the movement aswel. Id wonder what to do with the lomg straight first branch. Im not too mad about that either @klintd
Love that movement and I would look at air-layering the two top branches off and creating a nice little shohin with that lovely movement at the bottom and then you have two more tree’s to grow out and do something with.
Airlayer that bottom limb off…
One of that three limb junction at midpoint of tree needs to go, too.
Second airlayer! Pot em up and sell for 50 francs each…
Or, Keep em in your collection. Threefer!
What color and type are the leaves? That would be my deciding factor…
Unfortunately the owner removed the offer…
Thank you all very much for your help! It was much appreciated!
I think Marai would say lose a couple of the thick stems ? maybe the low side one thats very big and go with the younger one, and the tri top down to the lower two. Horticulture is the thing thats tough, does this tree heal over well ?
Tree isn’t available but I figured this could be useful for someone…in regards to the horticulture, does it heel over well.
It’s a yatsabutsa (small or dwarf) so it will naturally not be as vigorous as a pure strain acer palmatum. It would take more time and be a little more sensitive.