Home Made Lime sulfur

Just wondering if im looking for a lime sulfur “dormant spray” how do I make this ? Or where do I find to purchase?

I got a bottle of top jin, bit im not sure thats what a dormant spray is?

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Top Jin is a liquid cut paste and not lime sulfur. There is product called Jin Seal which is lime sulfur. You can usually get that at bonsai shops in person and online.

But you can also find other products out there too. See this post from a few years ago.

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I’m a chemist. I looked up the method to make lime sulfer… it is on utube…don’t bother… it’s dangerous.
Buy for bonsai and dilute, or the pet bathing bottle and dilute to 1:10 to paint jin.
Not shure on spray dilution. My guess… is about (10-20 millileters per Liter) of water… Read label for pet bath range.
There IS a premixed ROSE sulfer spray available that would work, if you only have a dozen trees.
I still have a 30 yo bottle of sulfer Apple spray. Need to restock soon… l do not use it every winter. Nor oil dormant spray. This summer was the first time I have had a lot of bugs. Several types of Aphids.


I can’t find lime-sulfur in Serbia, can somebody write down the concentration of “regular bonsai” bottle so I can try to dilute that from pet shop?

you see anything from 1:20 to 1:40 quoted

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There is one combination for organic farming (metric system)
1000 l water -H20
18 kg Sulfur - S
10 kg Calcium oxide - CaO

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@Eve maybe this could be a topic or mini-stream?


Or maybe mini stream How to cook meth:)



@Big_so-cal_matt I will present this idea to Ryan! Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

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we are not really asking the most dangerous practitioner to “cook something up”, do we?