Bulk Pumice in Texas mentioined by Ryan in Live Q+A 113

I have just finished Live Q+A 113 the last question Ryan mentioned Bulk pumice availability. He said there is bulk pumice in Texas, Could someone at Mirai let me know where this place is? Or if a member of the Mirai community knows were to get pumice in that area of America I live in Louisiana.

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Idk about everyone else, but I get my pumice on Amazon. It’s been really good. Very little fines and runs about $28 for 5 gallons of it. It’s just hit or miss as to whether or not it’s available.

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What brand are you buying?

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Thank you I just placed an order.

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Awesome, hope you like it. I’ve used it on two Yamadori and a bottle brush repot. Very happy.

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Bonsai Tonight previously dropped shipped bags of pumice on pallets. You could also mix bags of scoria and akadama

There are pumice (pumicite) deposits in Texas but I didn’t find anything on mines.

CR Minerals in New Mexico has a bulk horticultural pumice

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Never ordered. Looks like they don’t have 1/4". 1/8’, 3/16", 3/8’ available. Discounts on bulk orders.

Personally been tempted to buy the 2000# bulk tote! :rofl:

:derelict_house: :derelict_house:

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This company is a few miles from me. I bought pumice from him a few years ago. He picks it up in Oregon and I am not sure if the stuff he sells retail is sifted. The pumice I got from him I shoveled out of a bin and had to sift myself. The stuff from amazon isn’t available.
I like the pumice I found last year a lot better, and my source has a lot more on hand so I can get it whenever I want. :+1:t2: :smile: