Hi All,
First post here so. I’m not really a beginner but I think this post is great for this forum section and it’s something I’ve wondered about.
When we protect from wind for aftercare, post-collection, or non-hardened off leaves, what mph is too much wind? Over 10mph, or even over 5mph? And what are the visual signs - any movement of leaves at all? Or more significant?
I just repotted my Ponderosa Pine and I am trying to observe best practices to get it back to good health. I’m aware of the other elements.
Thanks all,
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I usually keep my repots out of the wind for at least two weeks. The wind can strip the tree of its moisture. Be on the safe side and shelter the tree for the first two-three weeks. It should be kept out of direct sunlight in any case, and no water or fertilizer.
(I assume you have drenched it right after repotting to get rid of soil dust.) No water for at least two weeks while the cut root ends begin to heal. Keep it in open shade and out of the wind to lessen water loss. Spray with a mister - maybe once or a couple of times a day, depending on conditions.
Try not to repot then. Except for azaleas, the only other types I’ve heard of that do well with repotting in early summer are tropicals. I’ve lost or harmed a couple of trees by repotting when it gets very hot. It’s unbelievable how easily they will fry. I tried repotting azaleas after bloom once (I live in Northern California) and it took them two years to recover after all the leaves dried to a crisp. Now I do them in March.
You just have to know your climate and do what you think is best. Also, 50% shade cloth is your friend.