Pot broken, do I repot now?

Hello folks,

I just received this beautiful Japanese black pine, and I’m excited to work on it in the coming years—I think it has a lot of potential.
The problem is that it arrived with the pot completely shattered… For now, I’ve wrapped plastic film around the pot to hold everything together.

I live in France, by the Mediterranean. Do you think I can repot it right away, or should I wait another month or two for the temperatures to rise?

The next work is planned for early June, with candle pruning and needle plucking. Will I still be able to carry out this task, or since it will have been repotted this year, should I let it grow freely throughout spring/summer and do candle selection and wiring next autumn?
The tree seems to be in good health, and I think it can handle both the repotting and the June work, but I’d prefer to get your feedback on this.

Thank you very much for your advice!

I would go about the report now assuming you can keep it from freezing temps. I would see how much root work is done and how it responds before planning to work it in June. Let the trees response answer that question

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Also good time to change potting angle if you so desire

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Thank you both for you answers guys :smiley: !

I must admit I’m not sure if I want to change the angle @Eastbayvet. The one you’re suggesting brings the apex in line with the nebari, but I prefer to keep it off-center, let the branch on the lower right grow to make it the defining branch, and thus create some tension. But maybe it is possible with the angle you’re suggesting ?

I’ve noticed that some wire has been left on the tree for many years in certain spots, and it’s very embedded. I’m afraid removing it might cause more damage than leaving it in place. Is it a serious issue for the affected branches? Could it eventually cause them to die?

There is an excellent Mirai video on removing wire check it out

So the blue line keeps apex directly above nebari
The nebari is strong on left which would support angle change and would bring apex off center , purple line. Howvever I’m no expert. Great tree

Ah, great, thanks! I’ll look for that right away!

You might be right, I’ll try it when I repot (the pot is being shipped on Monday), and I’ll let you know what I ended up doing. All advice is worth considering :slight_smile:

If anyone looking for it too, here it is : https://live.bonsaimirai.com/library/video/unwiring
Thanks @Eastbayvet !

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If it isn’t totally girdling (circular in a singular spot) the trunk it shouldn’t kill a pine as it can move resources horizontally. I say that because if you cant get the whole piece out in some spots and leaving parts might be the better play depending on how embedded it is. Its been a while since I watched the video but I am sure Ryan probably mentions this or how else would I know this lol

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@Eastbayvet following your advice, the repotting is done with a modified angle for the tree.
The pot isn’t final, but I’m not unhappy with it.
I still need to do the top dressing, and then it should be good for the next 4 or 5 years.

Thanks for your advice, I definitely prefer it this way.

We’ll see how it reacts by June, and depending on that, I can wire, select branches, etc.

More updates in a few months :slight_smile:



G O R G E O U S Really great

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Thank you very much :blush: !!