Trouble watching latest live qa

When I click on the video it asks me if I have permission, when I sign in to vimeo my credentials don’t work.


Me too. I don’t have Vimeo.

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Same problem here
Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04


I get the same message. I am already logged in. What’s the deal?

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Hi friend, i too have the same problem,maybe in Mirai they have technical problems.

I just clicked on Live Q&A 249 in MS Edge and it started right up. I use that to watch all of the streams - almost all after the fact.

im having the same problem.

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The problem is on Q+A 250

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Yeah - I just tried Q+A 250 in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox…same Vimeo login error.

Seemed to work fine on chrome - have had that error a few times in the past but switching browsers seemed to work around it