Scott's Pine Branch selection

Hi all

I have a couple of dozen young scotts pine whips maybe 3 to 5 y/o which i have wired for shape. When is the best time of year to branch select to reduce whorls down to 2 branches to avoid excess swelling?

be well!


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In my experience, Scots Pine (note the spelling) can be pruned for branch selection just about any time. I would take off some of the worst offenders as we start the growing season and then take more off as the season progresses. They, like many pines, put on the heaviest wood in the spring and fall. That is why I suggest eliminating the worst offenders now to avoid excess spring swelling, but leave the weaker offenders to enhance trunk development.

Pinus sylvestris are one of my favorite pines since the needles are a reasonable length and will reduce. In my climate (Spokane, WA) which has a moderate length growing season with a nice warm stretch in the middle, I can get a second flush in a strongly growing, well fed tree. Your experience may differ.

Hi Marty

Thankyou for your response and apologies for my spelling.

The information you have shared is very useful.

