It appears to me that Ryan modified his paint scraper so that one edge was straight inline with the handle (see picture). Does anyone know if that’s correct, or if this profile is actually commercially available? If it is a custom modification, what’s the thinking?
He uses it to remove matted roots at the bottom before during the repot to set the flat for the eventual planting angle. I understand its use, but not how a customized profile would be important for that.
I do not think that it had a specific use, I usually see Ryan use a 5" scraper/knife. He probably grabbed what he had near or what he could gather up prior to the stream. Mirai is a busy garden and tools and supplies are scattered throughout the work areas of the garden.
It was probably modified for some reason or another that only
Being in the construction trade, I have seen many tools customized for special uses.
That’s just what Ryan finds effective… hacking roots sideways with a sharpened chopper.
I have NEVER seen a similar commercial narrow half profiled paint scraper similar… They DO come in odd configerations… And, it would be tedious to grind half off …
Ryan use it quickly, effectively, and (hopefully) safely…
If you WANT a narrower blade, use a good quality heavier spring steel putty knife. Antique or older ones. Newer ones are thinner and springy… Carefully sharpen the front edge. 1", 2" 3",etc.
I have, and use, narrow and wide sharp scrapers… on bottom roots. Or, just use a older short heavy knife that YOU can keep sharp. And ball cutter, and scissers, and a short hand saw, and an old chisel and wood hammer , and…
Bonsai On!
A modified scrapper like that would act as two different tools - a chisel when the front is pushed into the soil and a knife when the straight edge is drug through the soil. Both edges would need to be sharpened. If you decide to make one, I suggest cutting the straight edge with a hacksaw rather than grinding. Still slow since the steel has been hardened a bit, but most like faster.
It always looked like a repurposed butcher knife to me . It may not be but you could probably make one work. Just need to cut the blade down and regring it. Just remember don’t overdo it with the heat or you will lose the temper.