Please help on front

I have three potential front. Pretty much bouncing back and forth on two of them. Pictures and video for reference.
It is a pondarosa. It is just over 18 in for min height for these guys.
I’m thinking I may have to cut some branches to create negative space or just to open it up a bit.
This is initial styling from yamadori so moving slow

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I like photos 2&3. It creates dramatic asymmetry. And you get a wide look at the base.

In 2, the deadwood is just a straight stick.
In 3, the root is in your face.
I like 5, Groundwork’s pick; maybe. Can’t see any trunk.
Clean up the old needles.
Pluck the minimum of last year’s needles to open up the trunk structure, look at each to set closely avoid losing new small buds.
Put on minimum wire and set some structure to get limbs out and up.
Cut the rest of the pot side off. If the deadwood is delicate, iffy, breaking it before styling isn’t a bad thing.
Repost photos, with a decent clean background.

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I like 3 (rotate close wise about 10 degrees?) and 5. Good potential for deadwood, and nice exposure of trunk. You might play with the angle on these views to maximize movement. I also think the potential for pads is better at these angles.

Picture 2 shows best trunk but 3 is not bad either. Really like that trunk from these angles! Also there is the possibility of a small(ONLY small angle possibly)planting angle change. Cannot say for sure without being next to tree.

Not on developing Ponderosas.

Just saying, works for me. September, ponderosa.
Watch the ‘Ponderosa pine developement’ video.
It’s the way Ryan has been teaching . Since he blew through here, before founding Mirai.
Something like this…

@Nickhorner , nice tree. Deserves a nice pot. Plan ahead for spring. Something masculine and knarley. Hold off of fertilizer in spring. Reduces needle size. 3 year plan.

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