Does anyone know the dilution ratio for the Lime Sulfer: Jin Seal? It doesn’t say it on the label. Another question, example: when it says for a diluted ratio, 1:30, does that mean 1 gallon to 30 teaspoons? Silly question but just a bit confused. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
I believe the dilution ratio means 1 part to 30 parts… so one gallon of lime sulphur would want 30 gallons of water.
Or 1 tablespoon of lime sulphur to 30 tablespoons of water
Or 10 ml of lime sulphur to 300 ml of water
Edit: just did the math and strangely enough 1 gallon of water would want 1/30th of a gallon of lime sulphur, which is roughly 25.6 teaspoons (or 8.5 tablespoons or roughly 1/2 a cup).
^ that’s all in US tablespoons/teaspoons/cups which is different than English/European tablespoons/teaspoons/cups.
Yes Bernhard you definitely need to wait until all the snow has gone and you know there is a couple of warm (ish) dry days forecast. If you don’t manage to spray you’ll have to revert to using normal sprays during the growing season.
I was having scale problems especially on 1 juniper with distorted foliage, so last week I applied a 1:20 lime sulfur solution to my conifers. I think this was too strong and now keeping my fingers crossed that I haven’t killed them. The one that had the worst infestation is looking very pale green now, another has yellow tips on the end of the mature foliage. Wish I had erred on the side of more dilution!
Fingers crossed. How was the weather/temperature when you have sprayed them, and what about the following 3 days?
@keith_in_uk Thank you very much then I’ll wait and hope that no more snow will come, thank you very much
Thankyou for the help on the conversion ratio.
We had a mini heat wave here in soCal last week, so it was sunny and in the 80s. I’ve been misting them since but maybe that’s not what I should be doing. Thought it might help to wash some off. I also didn’t protect the soil, so I watered thoroughly for a couple days to flush the container. Raining now. The deformed foliage is still looking a pale green but some juvenile foliage that was near the infested areas has crispified and flakes off easily. Potent stuff, use with extreme caution!
In all I sprayed 3 junipers and 1 jbp. Only 1 of the junipers had the signs of micro-scale but I did the others because they’re nearby and hoped to wipe out any from the garden. The other 2 junipers, having started out healthier seem to have better color but just the very tips have yellowed. Fingers crossed indeed.
Conifers should use a milder solution… 1:20 is for broad-leaved, and 1:33 on conifers as per my info…
so on junipers and pines you should go no stronger than 1:33.
exactly , protecting the pots
I’m in similar weather to you. When is the latest you would spray your trees before spring work?
I think for deciduous it would be mid Feb as things are starting to move by then. For conifers you should be ok up to the beginning of March. However this is all weather dependent as last year it was so mild I was repotting deciduous at the end of January and in the UK that’s really unusual. This year is a bit more normal.
As things start to warm up I think it best to move onto normal fungicide and pesticide to treat the trees.