I love the changes

Grateful to see the changes in video selection about tier 2 and tier 3. I’m excited to see a lot of the videos that I haven’t had time to see lately. I really think that the information in a lot of those videos are just as vital as the information in the tier 2 videos as well.

I’m not sure what else there is in store for the changes, but I’m excited to see/hear from the Mirai team.

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What changes have been made?

Lots of the previously tier 3 videos that were species specific (ficus forest, redwood pinching, 5 needle pine nuances, etc.) were changed to tier 2 I think

Yeah it looks like a lot of the featured content just became available to tier 2 members. I’m stoked, there were lots of videos I was hoping to catch up on.

I noticed that the tier 3 content that I can’t access is in Black and White, while the videos in tier 2 are in color. Makes it easy to figure out what is available and what isn’t.

I wonder if we could get a half tier of sorts that lets us view the Q&A’s, but only in the archives. My work schedule keeps me from participating, but there’s a lot of info there that clarifies the weekly lecture.

Mmmmm all of a sudden is my tier 3 subscription good value? Or should I down grade to to tier 2 and save ten bucks a month? Mirai team please advise!!!


Hey everyone! We know you’re an observant group…glad you noticed some of the changes we’ve been making!

We’re gearing up for some pretty significant changes to Mirai Live–can’t give you many more details than that, but stay tuned. We’ll be rolling everything out in the next month or so.

What I will say is that Tier 3 will still definitely be worth the investment. :wink:


@Sam, any chance we could get a list of content that became available for Tier 2? I’ve seen a lot of nice Tier 3 content I’ve been wanting to watch, it would make life easier with a list of videos now available for Tier 2 instead of having to go through the whole archive trying to find those videos.

Thanks to @Nate_Andersen for listing a few of the newly available content for Tier 2 members!

I’ve already jumped on the videos for top dressing, chopsticks and succulents!

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We want you all to go through and discover the new content on your own…but know that you CAN filter by content type in the archive. That’s my hint for you :wink:

As I said before, lots more changes to functionality, content, and structure coming down the pipe. But we’re going to keep it as mysterious as we can for now!




The Tier 3 hype is real. I might jump back up! I do the budget, wife MIGHT not notice… #businessexpense