Fatal error when going to gallery or blog

this is the error I get on two different computers when trying to access the gallery
Fatal error: Call to undefined function drupal_bootstrap() in /nfs/c07/h04/mnt/99780/domains/bonsaimirai.com/html/index.php on line 20

the same when accessing the blog…

Fatal error: Call to undefined function drupal_bootstrap() in /nfs/c07/h04/mnt/99780/domains/bonsaimirai.com/html/index.php on line 20
also when trying to go to home page…
Fatal error: Call to undefined function drupal_bootstrap() in /nfs/c07/h04/mnt/99780/domains/bonsaimirai.com/html/index.php on line 20

Hi bob,

Yes the main website is currently down. We are working to get it back live. Apologies for any inconvenience. Should be up and running again soon.


has been for a couple of days? not sure when currently occurs in the digital world! :nerd_face:
Thanks for all you do Kendall, and all your minions who grease the gears that makes this awesome engine run. :gem: not just a gem, could not find the emoji for a whole herd of diamonds.


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Hopefully this week. As soon as our developers can fix it, it will be live. Will try to update if it will be longer than by the end of this week.

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If only your devs took the same care of your website as you guys do of your trees. :wink:

Yea, it alive!!! Thanks for all you do to educate the rest of us.