Bonsai friends in Taiwan?

I apologize if this is not in the right place. I was curious if there are any other Mirai members here in Taiwan? I’d love to hear from you.


I have not been to Taiwan for several decades but saw some wonderful bonsai shows in 79 and 80 in Taipei.
I would be interested in news of the Taiwan bonsai scene now.

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I haven’t been to any shows/expos yet but there seems to be a lot coming up. I believe the biggest one, the 華風 (Hwa Fong) is coming up in the beginning of November. Oddly enough, it’s hard to find details about it online. I’ll ask my teacher. Otherwise his nursery is pretty rad. Haven’t been around and seen other practitioners gardens though. I hear the Amy Liang museum is pretty cool.
Thanks for writing, I’ll keep my eyes open and let you know about anything cool should I come across it!

Haven’t gotten out in a little while but there are decnet free galleries that pop up I. Some of the parks/gardens occasionally here. Will post pics if I see anything cool.