What Tree For This Pot?

I just got this nice Shigaraki Lozange pot. I didn’t have a tree in mind for it when I bought it, but I liked the pot so much I couldn’t Not buy it. What kind of tree do you think would it fit? Thanks for any opinions.


That’s an interesting pot.

I could see something like an ume going into it. For some reason, a slender trunk with lots of twists and gnarled bark and flowers seems like it would go really well with it.

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a cascade going out in one of the lower sections of the rim?

a raft or forrest? could be ideal for a kusamono too

@nmhansen A flowering tree is a good idea. Unfortunately my only flowering tree (Japanese Quince) came down with root gall last year. I tried to air layer it, but even the air layer developed gall, so I had to burn it. I’m going to be looking for a replacement this spring. I’ll keep this idea in mind. Thanks :smiley:

@antelion It seems shallow for a cascade style. But maybe a literati style would work. Thanks :smiley:

@Yugen It would have to be a pretty small raft or forest. I think kusamono would work with it, but a tree would be my preference. Thanks :smiley:

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The pot shape reminds me of a sail boat. I could find myself playing with that idea. Maybe even windswept toward the stern and jined to the bow. Cool pot. The act of finding the vessel and then the tree to go with it is a fun one.


@moon Sailboat… I like that image! I even have a young JWP that I was thinking of making into a windswept… I will definitely play around with that concept once spring comes and I can get the tree out of the winter bed ground. Thanks! :smiley: