Trunk Bending Pt 2

That was the most buttock clenching viewing I have seen in a long time. Live bomb defusing would be at the same level. I kept expecting Ryan to say “Which wire should I cut Troy? The blue or the red?”


Ryan should do a supplementary de-brief on that trunk bending experience. Personally, I thought there could be two bombs ready to go off at any minute - the bending rigging and Ryan’s incredible patience in fielding a steady stream of questions and suggestions while trying to defuse a bomb and confuse a tree to bend over and give up it’s smile.


“We’re at a point right now where if it pops we’ve got big problems”

That made me jump higher than any horror movie I’ve seen so far this week.


I was physically wincing. Who knew that bonsai could be an adrenaline sport?
The force required to flex rebar that thick is sickening. And all done in a nice ceramic pot.
The tree did look better for it. I look forward to the results.

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Easily the most intense Mirai video to date.

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Does anyone know where that tree was purchased? I heard him say something like Elperion but I’m probably spelling that wrong. Either way that was sick!

Telperion Farms
You were just missing the T.