Tree Studies - Pines

Inspired by another thread, this is a collection of trees in the wild to help us learn about tree species.

If a field trip to a certain species is out of the question, but you could use a little help from nature to inform your bonsai design and styling decisions, this is the place. You can search tree species using Ctrl+F.

If you’d like to add to the collection, please add a post with your picture(s) of the tree and the name of the species (include the latin if you can) so others can find it. Information like location, terrain (forest, coastal…), environment, age and size can be valuable if you know them.

Other categories: Junipers, Deciduous, Elongating, Broadleafed Evergreens, Tropicals, Deciduous Conifers, Succulents.

Happy studying!


In the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, specifically The Flatirons of Boulder, Colorado.

Apologies on the lack of detail in the photo. The tree was hanging from a canyon a few hundred yards away from the best spot we could get to. Not sure of variety, but guessing ponderosa out here and with those needles. Also possible: Limber, Pinon Pine. Less likely, Lodgepole and Birstlecone Pine.


Here is another pine from the Rocky foothills in CO. This was in Deer Creak Canyon, ‘16 visiting the in-laws.

You can’t see the design of the tree so well, but the way it interacts with the buttress of rock it is growing out of is stunning. If I made pots, I would want to make them like this


A group of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris
South East England


Sierras, Cisco Grove


Wow. Those trees have had it rough! Do you know what kind of pine that is?

These guys are in gardens of a common near where I live. I mean, not mindblowing and inspiring for bonsai but one wonders what on earth had happened once in the past that created these arrows :slight_smile:


Some of my favorite trees, I live in Reno so I go here for inspiration often

There are a lot of lodgepole up there and based on the bark and small needles, that is my guess.