Can anyone help me with identification on this tree? I bought it at the Hardy Plant Sale maybe 20 years ago. The vendor indicated that one characteristic is that it buds from old wood, which I’ve seen to a limited extent. I long ago lost the tag with the species ID. My best guess is some kind of Juniper?
Does this jump out at anyone as to what it is?
Thanks in advance for any input.
I think it looks like a cypress of come sort, but not one I am familiar with.
Thanks Nick. I thought that might be possibility, too. But the needles don’t quite seem right for that. I was/am hoping someone will just see the photos and say, “yup, it’s a _____”
It looks like a really compact form of procumbensto me.
Look at Chamaecyparis pisifera Nana varieties
Thanks, Keith. I agree that the foliage has very sharp needles like a J. procumbens, but very small, and the upright growth habit is different.
You may be onto something, Darren. It’s the closest I can see so far. Definitely not any of the other Chamaecyparis species like obtusa. But maybe pisifera Nana or Tsukomo. Although it’s amazing how different the foliage can look among different varieties of the same species (pisifera). And amazing how, when I try to look up photos of the foliage, no one can seem to take a picture that is actually in focus … argh. Thanks!
Probably a tsukamo from Tak Yamura in White Rock, BC from the appearance of the
Nebari where he intertwined two seedlings together.
Hi Steve - thanks for the input. I do think it might well be a Cham. pisiferis Tsukumo, though I’m not sure if the source was as you suspect. When I got the tree, it was quite small, and I saw no evidence that it was anything other than a naturally double-trunked tree (as opposed to two seedlings intertwined to essentially approach graft to each other). The nebari naturally progressed over the twenty years that I’ve had the tree. But I think Tsukumo is the best bet on ID. Thanks to all who chimed in.