Spring Wrap Up Lecture

@Sam I just watched the Spring Wrap Up lecture, it was amazing! I have over 5 pages of notes. The lecture style/whiteboard sessions are pivotal for me. I enjoy the standard streams as well but I thrive on this style it helps connect the dots that I catch in the normal live stream into a succinct concept. I love it and would love to see more!


@Sam like always amazing. It helps to understand so much better this season and may be it is a good idea make one specific stream like this one for every single season!! Goooooood work! Thanks Mirai team!


@Sam I agree, I watched it yesterday and was going to post about it.
Excellent round up of all things spring. Well structured and I think covered everything I needed to know. It helped to reinforce all the information acquired over multiple livestreams of various different species.

I could definitely see a role for this format at the change of seasons to discuss that seasons nuances. Also maybe for genre of species like Pines - timeline for work, fertilisation, growth management, seasonal variations, soil mixture etc.


I agree! It would be extremely helpful if there was a lecture like this one for each “filterable” topic in the library (seasons, pines, elongating species, techniques,etc). There would be a lecture consolidating the streams in that topic.


Just watched this and wanted to share that whiteboard lessons are so helpful!

Knowing the seasonal tasks and timing is also a great for beginners like me.

Thank you so much team Mirai and please continue this format. It is awesome.


I get a lot out of these kinds of videos. It’s nice sometimes to get a broad range of very concise information vs being hyper-focused on a single subject for 2 hours. Though both formats have their place!


I also like the lecture style stream very much!

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I commented on this in the live stream feedback thread. Definitely love the lecture style. I only wish that we got it as a spring primer so that I could refer to it before the season starts and during the season as well. Hope that there’ll be a summer, fall and winter lecture. :crossed_fingers:t4:


Jumping in to join the chorus, I found the lecture format to be hugely helpful. As someone just starting out I’ve gotten a lot from mining the archives for gems, but to have a dense breadth of information on seasonally appropriate actions across species, or as @Twisted suggested lectures with a focus on species/ growth-types makes building a foundational knowledge base so much more attainable. The technical, in-depth streams are wonderful and I’ve deeply enjoyed immersing myself in them, but if I need to know “What should I do right now with this juniper to get it to where I want it to be?” the broad brushstroke of this format is exactly what the doctor ordered.


@Sam i just can repeat what the others already said. I loved the lecture. Most info in one stream. Would love to see more lectures like this. I think it would be a good idea to make lecture videos about every topic Ryan mentioned in this spring wrap up (Environment, Water, Fertilizer, etc.) So he can go into detail on every topic again. Again, simply perfect work. You guys are the best. Thank you so much.


Definitely had several “Eureka!” moments during this lecture and I ended up with so many pages of notes.

I would second the comment about seeing these before the season, to refer to during the work.

Please continue the lectures. The overall knowledge, and the species specific section at the end are pure gold!


After watching the Spring Wrap Up post I felt it belongs in the Reference section of the Library. Also included should be the Design Fundamentals, Structural wiring, and Wiring 2 and 3. These are gems. Thanks


Thank you all so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it - will definitely share this thread with Ryan and we’ll definitely make more streams like this in the future! Hope y’all are doing well :heart:


I agree with all. These mini streams are very educational. I have taken a lot from each stream Thanks Mirai team!


Very good initiative with this wrap-up steam! Thanks Ryan and the Mirai team! It helps connecting the dots and juggling between concepts and different aspects (environment, growth) in a condensed manner.
and yes, would love to have a seasonal wrap-up --> to complement the BSOP /fundamentals live streams

Thank you! your lectures, and especially this one, are incredibly helpful.

I loved the Spring wrap up stream (also). Great stuff. But there is nothing like watching Ryan do his (our) thing. Both work really well