Hello Mirai people!
I’m having some dieback issues with a Pinus Sylvestris Watereri. I’ve purchased this pine on March from a local nursery. I’ve repotted it shortly after that in a training container, with a 1:1:1 substrate composition. The tree was kept in shade and from wind protection for the first 3 weeks. I kept the tree misted on the foliage during this period of time. After that I transition it in a more lighted location (still partial shade) it got little sun in the morning, wind protection still, and I stopped the misting. For the last weeks we’ve got rainy and cloudy weather so we didn’t get intense sun. Right now is still in a protected aria (is not outside). I’ve notice diebacks on weak branches, and on the low branches also. When I purchased it, it had a little dieback on one branch, but I wasn’t very concerned about it (now it died a little more), because it got plenty of healthy foliage, like 3, 4 or 5 candles per shoot and interior back budding. The roots were healthy, I’ve cut a portion of them, but not very hard, just to encourage new growth and I didn’t bare-root the tree. I’ve kept a portion of the nursery soil intact. So my question is this, is the tree going to thrive? Or it will slowly going to die? What to do in this situation?