Ponderosa Refinement - when to remove?

Hey All,

I have tried to thoroughly absorb the methodology that Ryan champions pretty much to a T with the tree below. I repotted it this spring and it’s been doing very well, even pushing a second flush this late summer.

My question is rather simple: would I ideally and literally need to resist removing any needles at all - even downward growing needle pairs growing in problematic locations, etc. - along with not pruning, or is it understood that I would minimally refine as I went and be able to prune in early fall?

I’m basically wondering if I’m correct in thinking that the main point of interest is not plucking needles all over, or pruning back as if Ponderosas were other pines.

Thank you very much in advance for the insights! Also, apologies if this is in the wrong section or if I’m missing something obvious.

All best,

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If it was repotted this spring I would not be removing any needles. Give it the full year to recover.

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