Pacific Bonsai Museum (Soapbox warning)

Hello all,
After listening to the latest podcast on Asymmetry and thinking about what they said about the Montreal collection, I started thinking about our own local bonsai museum and how we can support it in order to preserve it, because we wouldn’t want to lose it! If you haven’t snooped around their site much, you can see their income and expense report here

and others at the bottom of the page here
Financially, it looks like it needs our help. It seems to be subsisting on pulling from “reserves” while I don’t know where that came from, my assumption would be an endowment from Weyerhauser when they gave it up to its own existence. Regardless, it does not appear to have enough regular income to cover expenses. If you feel appreciative of the museum, or guilted by me, you can donate here
And NO I do not work for them, am not a member, etc etc.
I will be mailing a donation, because I can’t figure out how to do it on their website.

Pacific Bonsai Museum
PO Box 6108
Federal Way, WA 98063

I hope I haven’t broken any forum rules here


Just got an email a couple days ago and wanted to share a good way to donate.

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Just wanted to boost this thread to the top.
Less than 30 days to go.
There were 100 backers prior to the Apex stream.
Let’s make Mirai proud.

I got an email from the PBM this morning and the project is now 50% funded. I bet that Mirai members could put it over the top if everyone participates!

Only 12 days to go.
$6K from the goal.
That’s appox 75 more backers.
Christmas is coming. Tell a friend. Tell your club. Tell your followers on FB and IG.
I just upped my support from 1 book to 2.
Lets make this happen.


I made my donation! :slight_smile:

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WooHoo! 100% funded!!! Thanks Mirai pals!

Phew, I was honestly starting to get a little worried there :grimacing:

I was getting worried, too. Thank you ALL!

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