New trashadori 😁

Did the usual Monday morning loops around the neighborhood looking for Trashadori and came upon 4 beasts. Huge crape myrtles. I grabbed the smallest of the bunch which also happened to be the most interesting. Tomorrow I’m gonna try to cram it into my spare grow box or build a new one. Probably build.


Hah! Trashadori - love the term and have my share. You’ve got a winner!


My son calls them urban yamadori… for the trees we collect in the city


I collect these from the side of the road after the homeowner has done all of the hard work of digging it out of the ground. :laughing: I have 3 so far. This crape myrtle, a boxwood with a 4"-5" nebari and yellow bells tree. I have one yamadori that I dug up. A carolina willow that it taking off like crazy.

I love boxwood
4-5 nabari that is so sick. Love to see a piv

It was grown as a shrub, so I’ll have to style and rebuild it when it’s ready. Hopefully next year or . I go to this one a bit late and didn’t have pumice at first. It’s coming along though. The sides of the box are made with 2x6’s.

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