Found a nicely contorted sweetgum tree along a tree line in my neighborhood. Got some 2x6’s, 1/4" hardware cloth and made a grow box. I criss-crossed two sheets of cloth to try to make it as close to 1/8" as possible.
I took my wife by the tree to ask her what she thought. “I think you’re sick and need help” she said.
Got up this morning at sunrise to go collect it. Lol, nope. What was a 3" base at the ground turned into a 7" trunk that took a sharp turn and kept on going.
Not to end up empty handed I collected a Carolina Willow that I had been eyeing. Here it is. As usual, pictures don’t do it justice.
Winter here is pretty mild and these grow like weeds. I’m optimistic.
Generally I find it’s best to say nothing to my other half and slowing adding 1 or 2 trees at a time and she never notices!
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I think they do. My wife notices, waits till spring and asks, “is that tree you bought last [month] going to the ground or in a pot?”
Or “the store has double points or has a coupon for garden supplies… now’s your time to get pumice and dirt for the trees you got.”
Haha, nah, I wouldn’t do that. I do have some trees that are “for her” though.
Yep! She looks forward to valentine’s day and mother’s day. My son and I make kusamono or kokedama for her.
That one she keeps quiet abt the plants we got. She knows which one’s for her too…
I guess she sory of watches/listens when I watch on Mirai Live.
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