Mulberry shohin?

Anyone have insight into mulberry? Soil requirements, leaf and bud work timing, defoliation (?) response. Leaf reduction?
My mulberry, 15+ yo. From seed. Single connected 5 trunk.10" tall. Flowered 3 years ago, 1 of 3 seeds sprouted!

Thanks .


Notes: repotted in am. No tap root, few larger roots. Happy tree. Perfuse fine roots, almost filling pot. Easy peasy… cut off 1/4 of longer roots. Tied down, decideous mix-- 1:1:1 with 0.5 composted organic. 2/3 moss covered.
Will post later when in Leaf / flower…
Cheers, Bonsai on…

I’m speaking from experience with Fruitless Mulberry (the male tree), but these things are similar to Elms in that they’re hardy and can take abuse. Backbud well, very quick growth, and have good fine root growth. They love water as well.

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Finally leafed out, and flowering!

Already trimmed 2" of leaf extension…
Enjoy. Bonsai On!

Hate to tell you, but that ain’t no mulberry. They don’t flower like that at all. This looks more of the hawthorn/malus(apple) type thingy to me.

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It looks to me like it might be Serviceberry. I have a large one and when I zoom in on your picture the flower and leaf configuration looks just like my Serviceberry.