So I appear to have some sort of Amelanchier or serviceberry Bonsai. I don’t really know much about the plant. Any tips or pointers?
I planted mulberry pits. Only one sperouted. 5 years later, it was a Serviceberry bush… Bird leavings, I guess…
Easy peasy tree. Happy and healthy, 1:1:1 with 0.5 parts organic mulch. Mine had no tap root. Yours might. Took heavy root pruning great. Organic fertilizer. Full sun. Fruit are edible, but slightly bitter and full of seed. Grandma used to make jam, for the winter vitimins…
Only issue was shaded limbs died back; yours doesnt have that issue.
They’re in the same family as prunus and malus (rosaceae), and a most of the same techniques, care, etc. apply.
The earliest of bloomers! I used to chuck them out of drainage ditches and heel them in back at the nursery with a very high success rate. Never used one for bonsai…
This thread inspired me to get my own little nursery stock amelanchier, which is currently growing happily. Thanks!