Has anyone created Miniature Rose Trees or Rose Trees into bonsai?
Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking to create a miniature rose tree bonsai in the next few months.
check out lady banks rose for bonsai. It is a climbing rose . Gets a nice trunk
we worked on a shohin rambling rose in this stream - https://live.bonsaimirai.com/archive/video/deciduous-shohin-repotting - the same bonsai is here on the tree gallery - https://bonsaimirai.com/node/619
There are members of my local club (Dallas) that have roses. Great scraggly old looking bark. I do not think they let them flower out unless for a show. They groom them for the red/deep green foliage. Same with crape-myrtle.
Thanks!! The more I’ve read and find out about the Lady Banks, the more I like it. Especially the “no thorns” and we have two great looking ones near where I live. So I’ll be heading out tomorrow to view them and check out the blooms. Then I’ll see about buying one to start my rose bonsai with.
looks great! What variety?
Rosa banksiae var. banksiae’ - Lady Banks’ rose
I defoliate and trim it back back right before Spring flush and again after summer leaves gets ragged and spent. It looks very much like an ume when bare. If you remove the flakey, papery outer bark, it has an intensely orange colored bark. Really beautiful. But it does not last very long. It takes several years to re-establish the flaky bark.
I’ve wired it a few times. Most branches wither and die soon after wiring so I only apply clip and grow to it as a result. I trim water shoots before they get too vigorous.
I’m still searching for the perfect (smaller) pot for it.
I love this tree. Was this collected from a landscape or grown from stock or other?
It was a 3-gallon overgrown, unhealthy, staked nursery plant purchased around 2008. It was about 6+ feet tall. When I cut the main leader it died way back down to the Jin/Shari you see in the 21” finished tree now. It was a serendipitous occurrence because it resulted in a much better design than what I had originally seen in it.