Robinia pseudoacacia 'Lace Lady'

Has anyone attempted to bonsai Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Lace Lady’ (aka ‘Twisty Baby’) or have experience with air layering them?

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I am air layering a Black Locust, I will let you know how it goes.
I also have one that I dug up, it was a runner from a mother tree.
Did not expect it to live. It is doing quite well.

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I will look forward to hearing how it works out. What diameter trunk are you working with?


It is around 1.5". I am going to check my air layers today. :+1:t2:


Hey all,
Sorry for the delay :crazy_face: Life, you know how it goes.
I did actually check it like I said. New roots were growing well :+1:t2: But I buttoned it back up and let it do it’s thing.
The other day I separated the air layer and potted it up :blush::+1:t2::evergreen_tree::metal:t2: