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live q+a xxxiii
feb. 8, 2018
Topics Discussed
0:13 - Larch / Approach grafting
1:46 - Redwood / Deadwood / Apex / Upright design (Follow up at 34:01)
3:41 - Root management / Sickle / Damaging roots / Root ball reduction
5:39 - Large container / Field growing / Lack of space / Development
8:48 - Design / Masculine & feminine traits / Emphasis
10:32 - Oxygen / Role / Root interaction
11:36 - Juniper / Collection tray / Repotting / Timing
13:04 - Conifers / Deciduous / Maintenance / Timing
14:43 - Pinus nigra / Single-flush long needle pine
15:35 - Chinese elm / Design / Container selection / Large canopy
17:53 - Monterey cypress / Development / Nuances
19:36 - Cotoneaster / Bonsai material / Lack of representation
21:11 - First styling / Tree movement / Trunk movement / Design
23:05 - Japanese black pine / Fertilization / Candle pruning / Refinement (Follow up at 27:29)
23:57 - Pines / Establishing shin / Backbudding / Timing
28:53 - Junipers / Juvenile foliage / Aftercare
31:12 - Oaks / Air layer / Zone 9 / Timing
32:46 - Ibigawa stone / Man-made
35:46 - Japanese black pine / Junipers / Loose tree
37:28 - Lava rock / Alternatives / Oxygen exchange / Soil mix
39:05 - Shohin / Rectangular small containers / Fertilizer application
40:47 - Junipers / Deadwood appearance / Species specificity
41:20 - Fertilizer application / Fertilizer breakdown / Microbiotic system
43:49 - Gingko / Design / Styling / Ramification
44:30 - Field growing / Technique / Root work interval / Timing
47:06 - Trunk splitting / Bending / Technique
48:39 - Chamaecyparis pisifera / Refinement / Pinching / Pruning timing
50:13 - Japanese larch / Winter / Wiring / Bud swelling
52:24 - Junipers / Pinching & pruning / Development / Refinement
54:29 - Negative space / Design
56:21 - Trident maple / Root grafting / Technique
58:30 - Fertilizer composition / Auxin & cytokinins
1:00:04 - Junipers / Cone removal
1:00:56 - Junipers / Leggy secondary branches / Styling
1:02:30 - Utah juniper / Salvage media / Deteriorating health / Particle size
1:02:51 - Junipers / Pruning / Tip selection / Development
1:04:00 - Alligator juniper / Related to other junipers
1:04:22 - Seaside juniper / Bonsai material
1:05:35 - Collecting material / Legality
1:06:35 - Automatic sprinkler system / Garden
1:07:58 - Utah juniper / Scent
1:09:06 - California juniper / Sex preference
live q+a xxxiv
feb. 15, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:24 - Juniper / Veneer grafting / Seasonal timing
3:05 - Taxus / Collecting material / Transporting trees / Pickup truck
6:25 - Ponderosa pine / Disproportionate swollen base / Design / Container selection
8:11 - Slab planting / Maintenance / Root mass / Water percolation
9:16 - Birds nest spruce / Increase bud production / Fertilizer application / Timing
10:59 - Diatomaceous earth / Brand selection
12:21 - Scion grafting / Technique / Species specificity
14:11 - Show / Changing containers / Show containers
15:46 - Pinus sylvestris / Single-flush pines / Plucking needles
18:03 - Diatomaceous earth / Roots / Moisture loss
19:56 - Shimpaku juniper / Phomopsis / Subdue Maxx application / Preventative
21:32 - Slab planting / Sphagnum moss wall / Sloped surface / Topdressing application
22:43 - Tying down trees in container / Singular drain hole
25:47 - Salix / Growing section of trunk / Producing roots / Technique
29:13 - Western hemlock / Nursery container / Repotting & styling / Timing
31:36 - Topdressing / Replacement timing
33:08 - Design / Multi-trunk trees / Movement / Maximizing potential
36:36 - Bald cypress / Producing ramification / Development
38:33 - Mirai live / Juan andrade / Tropical species / Southern hemisphere
39:12 - Black pine / Candle pruning / Development / Timing
40:06 - Redwoods / Repotting / Soil composition
41:19 - Scoria / Pumice / Soil composition
44:04 - White fir / Collected material / Winter protection / Branch dieback
46:08 - Southern California / Topdressing / Moss milkshake / Kyoto moss spore
48:02 - Diatomaceous earth / Particle breakthrough
48:48 - Round nursery container / Shallow bonsai container / Development
49:47 - Japanese black pine / Bare root material / Recovery
51:34 - Grapefruit tree / Large leaf size / Cutting back leaves to smaller lobe / Auxin control
52:55 - Bamboo sourcing
53:51 - MICA container / Development
54:53 - Honeysuckle & crab apple / Bud swelling / Winter protection
56:49 - Soil composition / Species specificity / Chart
58:39 - Columbia hawthorn / Bonsai material
59:08 - Botched repot / Wrong angle / Repotting a week later
1:00:08 - Scotch moss / Topdressing / Treatment
1:02:07 - Slab planting / Black pine / Organic soil
1:03:35 - Limited root work / First repotting / Collected material
1:04:52 - Repotting / Greenhouse / Winter protection / Timing
1:06:39 - Slab planting / Sphagnum moss wall / Vertical planting
1:08:00 - Slab planting / Green moss / Surface root growth
1:09:08 - Slab planting / Showing more of the slab
live q&a xxxv
feb. 22, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:23 - Ponderosa pine / Winter dormancy / Overwintering
2:47 - Sierra juniper / Collected material / Repotting & styling / Timing
3:34 - Sick trees / Separate from healthy trees
4:26 - Root damage / Cold temperature / Root hardening / Cold resistance
5:43 - Compact root system / Proper percolation / Repotting / Tilting container (Follow up at 17:00)
8:23 - Repotting / Soil exposed to flood water
9:17 - Trees buried in snow / Bud swelling / Freezing & thawing / Work timing (Follow up at 11:54)
13:02 - Deciduous / Field growing / Trunk thickening / Fertilizer application
14:40 - Post-repot / Fertilizer application
19:04 - Gray bark elm / White color
20:51 - Rectangular container / Preference
22:47 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Concentrated piles of fertilizer
24:35 - Mountain hemlock / Collected material / Care & maintenance / Similarity to western hemlock
26:49 - Akadama substitute / Research
29:28 - WD40 / Tool maintenance
30:58 - Deciduous seedling roots / Pruning / Equalizing buds and roots
32:20 - Nursery stock / Indications to repot
34:01 - Fagus sylvatica / Field growing / Poor nebari / Development
36:06 - Building shin / Fertilizer application
38:10 - Tree transportation / Sun exposure / Watering
40:34 - Japanese larch / Air layer
41:01 - Ponderosa pine / Trunk scar creation (Follow up at 1:00:14)
42:09 - Round container / Planting position / Asymmetry / Design
44:53 - Calculating liquid fertilizer / Water hardness
46:42 - Japanese maple / Separating air layer / Seasonal timing
49:07 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Tree in modern substrate / Pumice & lava mix
50:37 - Improving wire technique / Exercises
51:58 - Japanese black pine / Post repot fertilizer application / Candle pruning / Timing
53:54 - Bamboo chopstick / Pine or poplar alternative
55:45 - Procumbens juniper / Producing new growth / Maintenance pruning & wiring / Timing
56:48 - Black pine / Post-repot fertilizer application / Candle pruning / Timing
58:52 - Water jasmine / Defoliated / Spindly new growth / Pruning timing
1:03:16 - Rocky mountain juniper / Post-repot / Borer susceptibility
1:04:32 - Rocky mountain juniper / Post-repot / Fertilizer application / Schedule
1:05:59 - Slab planting / Cupped sloped slab / Soil mix integration / Sphagnum moss application
live q&a xxxvi
mar. 1, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:59 - Common juniper / Soil composition / Akadama substitute
3:09 - Penetrating epoxy sealer / Strength shaky deadwood / Collected material
4:21 - Juniper / Collected material / Recovery / Pollen, flower, & berry removal
5:38 - Pines / Smaller soil particle size / Watering schedule / Water retention
7:08 - Japanese black pine / Shohin / Development / Shoot selection timing
8:08 - Japanese fertilizer basket / Avoid moss discoloration / Fertilizer application
9:10 - Organic granular fertilizer / Milorganite / Weed control
11:37 - Deadwood preservation / Smith’s clear penetrating epoxy sealer / CPES / Alternate products
13:03 - Separated air layer / Tiedown to container / Protecting new roots
14:59 - Mulch insulation / White fuzzy mold / Identification / Treatment
16:29 - Moss surface / Mesh protection
18:34 - Frozen root ball / Watering
19:10 - Deciduous / Forest compositions / Shallow container / Aeration layer
20:35 - Rooting hormone / Repotting / Increasing success rate
21:44 - Kengai / Han kengai / Calculating height & size
23:16 - Elongating species / Identification / Characteristics
25:40 - Juniperus squamata / Work timing / Producing backbudding / Scale vs. needle juniper
27:26 - Dwarf alberta spruce / Heavy foliage reduction / Winter protection / Browning & dyingneedles
29:30 - Moss collection / Proper collection sites
30:56 - Pines / Collected material / Heatbed / Winter protection
32:01 - Potting air layer / Repotting / Aeration layer
32:57 - Air layer / Tiedown to container / Steel wire gauge
33:52 - Conifers / Deciduous / Collected material / 100% pumice
34:55 - Lava rock / Pulverize to smaller size
36:22 - Japanese boxwoods / Mirai live
37:07 - Sierra juniper / Kanuma / Soil mix / Alkaline tap water
38:37 - Common juniper / Squamata juniper / Identification / Soil substrate
39:57 - Root-over-rock planting / Development / Root work
43:44 - Mountain mahogany / Bonsai material
44:45 - Free form ceramics stream / Epoxy application / Deadwood in contact with soil
45:40 - Mugo pine / Repotting / Timing
46:45 - Junipers / Collected material / Urban environments / Post-collection procedure
48:10 - Coastal redwood / Formal upright / Creating taper with trunk chop / Development
49:20 - Redwoods / Deteriorating new growth / Recovery
50:55 - Japanese black pine / Field grown material / Large nursery pot / Repotting timing
52:02 - Mugo pine / Sun exposure
live q&a xxxvii
mar. 8, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:18 - Prophylactic spray / Cleary’s 3336 / Deciduous / Growing season spray application
3:31 - Rocky mountain juniper / Winter protection / Small root mass / Transition out of protection (Follow up at 27:57)
5:57 - Japanese larch / Stimulating backbudding / Maintaining fine growth / Refinement
7:32 - Fertilization schedule / Building resources / Seasonal timing / Fall vs. spring fertilizer application
9:19 - Japanese maple / Pin oak / Air layer / Timing
11:29 - Soil particle size / Species specificity / Strategy
13:48 - Large root removal / Tree already in training
15:41 - Reusing repotting soil / Anderson flat growout trees / Soil recycling process
17:36 - Mugo pine / Multi-flush pine identification / Nuances
18:22 - Ceramic containers / Oil application / Silicone spray / Cleaning
19:03 - Japanese maple / Branch development / Cutting back to buds
21:47 - Air layer substrate / Soil vs. sphagnum moss
23:32 - Style or repot first / Nursery stock vs. yamadori
26:02 - Lodgepole pine / Collected material / Fertilizer application / Indicators
28:34 - Loblolly pine / Collected material / Browning needles / Repotting out of sand (Follow up at 44:36)
30:43 - Trident maple / Field grown material / Leafing out / Indicators for branch removal
32:07 - Eastern white pine / White fuzz around new buds
33:39 - Heat bed construction / Propagation mat / Protection from water / Proper heat bed layering
34:43 - Infested soil disposal / Ecologically correct solution
35:50 - Electric wire / Thermal treatment / Wiring
36:41 - Biogold content / Fertilizer production
38:03 - Stone pine / Single flush vs. multi-flush pine / Identification
39:04 - Aggressive fertilizer application
40:34 - Ficus / Schefflera / Soil mix ratio
41:46 - Colander vs. wood box planting
43:04 - Ume / Weak & dry blooms
45:26 - Conifers / Field grown material vs. yamadori / Repotting & styling timing
46:34 - Wire bite / Removal / Aftercare
47:31 - Biogold / Organic fertilizer effects / Scientific literature (Follow up at 51:45)
50:08 - Organic fertilizer nuggets / Lack of breakdown
51:19 - Mugo pine / Dense foliage / Best approach for work
53:04 - Controlling pests & diseases / Mirai live
53:54 - Pomegranate repotting / Pin exposed roots
54:22 - Pomegranate repotting / Watering
54:48 - Japanese maple / Nursery stock / Recent repotting / Air layer
55:43 - Nursery stock / Follow up livestreams / Mirai live
56:35 - Pomegranate repotting / Watering during repot / Solidify root position
57:42 - Bald cypress / First flush of growth / Pruning timing
59:08 - Akadama / Sourcing
1:00:14 - Repotting / Chopstick application / Influencing root growth
1:01:05 - Pomegranate / Branch cutback / Thorns
1:01:35 - Pomegranate / Susceptibility to over or under watering / Tree death
1:02:50 - Collecting material / Sandy loam native soil
1:04:05 - Black bamboo / Chopstick creation
1:05:02 - Cut paste application / Pine vs. deciduous
1:06:15 - Foil tape
1:06:30 - Pomegranate / Similarity to honeysuckle
1:06:48 - Japanese maple / Deciduous tree master / Japan
live q&a xxxviii
mar. 15, 2018
Topics Discussed
0:21 - Loblolly pine / Field grown material / Root production / Collecting technique
2:46 - Lace leaf japanese maple / Air layering branches / Pruning & foliage reduction / Seasonal timing
4:09 - Japanese holly / Nursery stock / Broadleaf evergreens
5:34 - Deciduous / Repotting / Trunk thickening / Development
7:13 - Juniper procumbens / Shohin / Refinement / Fertilizer application
8:31 - Partial defoliation / Smaller leaf production / Backbudding
10:50 - Coast live oak / Air layer viability
11:04 - Japanese white pine / Dwarf cultivars / Nuances / Development
13:32 - Chinese juniper / Tip blight / Prevention / Treatment
14:53 - Japanese black pine / Trunk thickening / Technique (Follow up at 22:53)
17:36 - Elongating species / Pruning / Directing energy / Fertilizer application & timing
19:26 - Deciduous / Refinement / Pinching new growth
20:46 - Lebanon cedar / Development / Seasonal cycles / Timing
24:53 - Small leaf azalea / Nursery container / Branch dieback / Southern exposure
25:46 - Japanese maple / Refinement / Seasonal timing / Technique
28:50 - Corkscrew willow / Trunk cutting / Rooted in water / Transition to soil
29:57 - Trident maple / Japanese maple / Identification / Repotting
31:05 - Scots pine / Fertilizer application
31:50 - Automatic watering system / Sprinkler location
33:22 - Colorado blue spruce / Development / Shifting to refinement / Pinching & pruning
34:55 - Fabric container / Similarity to colander / Development
35:55 - Ginkgo / Pruning / Producing ramification
36:46 - Deciduous / Fertilizer application / Organic fertilizer / Timing
38:49 - Ponderosa pine / Collected material / Backbudding / Repotting indicators
40:05 - Greenhouse / Dehumidifier / Humidity level
41:12 - Japanese maple / Red colored varieties / Variegated foliage / Greenhouse
42:32 - Fertilizer application / Teabags / Foliar feeding / Biogold
44:00 - Scots pine / Field grown material / Lack of roots
45:55 - Juniperus thurifera / Grafting itoigawa / Grafting technique / Seasonal timing
47:12 - Collecting material / Legality
49:20 - Chinese juniper / Leggy growth / Compacting design
50:44 - Spruce / Repotting indicators / Bud push
52:10 - Nursery material / Root bound / Root reduction / Technique
54:14 - Ume / Scion graft / Timing / Indicators
55:14 - Arakawa / Recent repot / No leakage from branch cut
56:13 - Bar branch / Whorl
57:48 - Weeping cedar / Wiring / Branch hardening
58:57 - Dwarf alberta spruce / Heavy branch pruning / Environment change / Timing
1:00:39 - Atlas cedar / Bud on older bark
1:01:45 - Deodar cedar / Atlas cedar / Similarities in environment
1:02:48 - Atlas cedar / Layering / Bad graft
1:04:00 - Atlas cedar / Repotting / Protection
1:05:18 - Ash juniper / Collecting material / Seasonal timing
1:06:13 - Blue atlas cedar / Yellowing needles / Preventing spread
1:07:40 - Bark formation / Rapid increase in growth / Health deterioration
1:08:48 - Atlas cedar / Repotting technique / High nebari
q&a xxxix
mar. 21, 2018
Topics Discussed
2:44 - Akadama substitute / Hydroton
3:56 - Japanese maples & trident maples / Phytophthora / Treatment & prevention / Subdue Maxx
5:48 - Ficus benjamina / Repotting / Timing / Trunk thickening
7:53 - Hanagokoro fertilizer
8:57 - Seedlings / Tie down to container
10:15 - Black pine / Repotting / Lack of health / Root investigation (Follow up at 14:13)
11:09 - Deciduous / Generating bifurcation / Pinching vs. pruning
15:39 - Blue alps juniper / Tip blight / Infected foliage removal
16:46 - Ume / Shohin / Root pruning / Root production
18:17 - Cuttings / Seedlings / Pear & perlite substrate / Repotting soil mix
19:17 - Juniper nana / Nursery stock / Repotting / Timing
19:51 - Shore pine / Bark damage from animals / Prevention
20:49 - Japanese beech / Pruning scars / Healing scars / Lime sulfur application
24:04 - Deciduous / Pruning / Timing
25:26 - Juniper nana / Repotting / Pruning & wiring / Timing
26:35 - Container orientation / Container feet / Design
28:52 - Lava rock substitute
29:46 - Chinese elm / Pad formation / Timing
31:53 - Weeping willow / Wiring / Timing
32:59 - Water purification system / Salt tank & carbon filter / Watering
33:57 - Fish emulsion & seaweed application / Foliar feeding vs. watering container
35:41 - Ponderosa pine / Styling / Avoiding cluttered look / Design
36:35 - Procumbens juniper / Shohin / Cascade design / Tie down strategy
38:08 - Pumice substitute
39:26 - Shari work / timing
40:01 - Patagonian cypress / Similarity to monterey cypress
40:29 - Repotted trees / Winter protection / Mold in top dressing
41:29 - Deciduous / Branch cut / Flush vs. concave cut
42:31 - Japanese white pine / Branch dieback / White mold / Spider mite identification
44:04 - Ume / Shohin / Weak flowering / Repotting soil mix
45:31 - Seedlings / Repotting / Timing
46:14 - Top dressing / Moss growth / Timing
47:33 - Nursery material selection / Prioritizing desirable features
48:56 - White pine / Development / Refinement / Pad formation
50:15 - Ponderosa pine / Needle browning / Overwatering / Identification
52:14 - Azalea / Failed air layer
53:15 - Brazilian rain tree / Weak growth / Repotting
54:41 - Cotoneaster / Air layer / Timing
55:07 - Bending / Second bend / Timing
56:00 - Biogold & dr. earth fertilizer / Fertilizer application
58:16 - New moon maple / Partial defoliation
59:46 - Colorado blue spruce / Latex gloves / Avoiding removing wax from needles
1:01:13 - Rocky mountain juniper / White specks on foliage / Sap
1:02:33 - River rocks / Container / Extra weight
q&a xl
mar. 28, 2018
Topics Discussed
0:13 - Ume / Field grown material / Root control bag / Repotting container
2:15 - Prostrata juniper / Nursery stock / Development / Thickening
4:40 - Prostrata juniper / Wiring & styling / Seasonal timing / Spring
5:57 - Limber pine / Phytophthora / Treatment regimen / Subdue Maxx
8:01 - Japanese black pine / Swelling inverse taper / Pruning / Seasonal timing
9:09 - Linden / Covering borer holes
10:28 - Spruce / Species specificity / Consistent bud production at pinch site
12:15 - Trident maple / Forest planting / Development / Slim elegant trunks
13:27 - Chokecherry / Repotting / Timing
14:37 - Mikawa black pine / Development / Recent repot / Decandling timing
16:05 - Larch / Shin / Design
17:12 - Deciduous / Nursery stock / Repotting & pruning / Timing
18:33 - Repotting Fundamentals stream / Shore pine / Weak health / Update
19:43 - Itoigawa juniper / Approach grafting / Preparing grafting stock / Technique
21:09 - Purchasing collected material / Questions for the seller / Yamadori
22:17 - Dawn redwood / Pruning / Technique
23:32 - Kokufu exhibition / 60’s & 70’s / Highest level of japanese bonsai
24:39 - Repotting / Technique / Species specificity
26:01 - Dawn redwood / Repotting / Grow box / Timing
27:27 - Trident maple / Recent repot / Bud swelling / Redistributing sugar & starches
33:02 - Sabina juniper / Development / Refinement
31:39 - Dwarf pomegranate / Backbudding on old wood / Trunk chop / Foliage production
32:42 - Nursery stock / Indoor storage / Winter protection
34:14 - Sweetgum / Collecting field grown material
q&a xli
apr. 5, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:46 - Hinoki cypress / Repotting / Lighter foliage color / Aftercare
3:11 - Squirrels / Pests / Prevention
4:56 - Design / Balance / Visual interest
6:58 - Deciduous / Veneer grafting / Scion buds & length / Bleeding water
9:31 - Corkbark oak / Repotting / Barerooting / Timing
11:47 - Boxwood / Field grown material / Root work / Repotting soil composition
14:07 - Summer watering / Water usage / Cooling
16:45 - Japanese maple / Pruning / Seasonal timing
19:27 - Juniper / Winter protection / Indoor storage / Deteriorating health
21:56 - Chinese elm / Bud removal / Timing
23:06 - Ebihara technique / Moving developed branches
25:39 - Azalea / Rhododendron / Nursery material / Backbud production
27:51 - Engelmann spruce / Healthy foliage / Cone production / Removing cones
28:40 - Wiring / Show vs. development vs. maintenance
32:28 - Pines / Repotting / Seasonal timing
34:39 - Cascading design / Styling characteristics
36:56 - Refinement / Fertilization / Smaller soil particle
40:20 - The secret life of trees
40:47 - Japanese black pine / Fertilizer application / Pruning / Candle growth
41:38 - Pomegranate / Shallow container / Energy for fruit & flowers
43:19 - Deciduous / Pruning / First flush of growth / Timing
44:57 - Deciduous / Heavy cutback / Before bud push vs. hardened new growth / Timing
47:10 - Pomegranate / Repotting / Root removal
48:58 - Lodgepole pine / Deteriorating health / Repotting / Soil composition
50:04 - Chinese elm / Filling in hollows / Re-wounding calluses / Technique
52:23 - Sabina juniper / Repotting / Dry foliage / Poor root health
53:48 - Juniper / White stuff on needles
56:04 - Scots pine / Bronze colored needles / Fungal infection / Fungicide application
57:47 - Black pine / Collected material / Repotting / Recover health
59:39 - Ume / Shohin / Repotting soil / Mud removal
1:00:49 - Birch / Pruning / Technique
q&a xlii
apr. 23, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:49 - Watering / Schedule / Retaining moisture
4:45 - Japanese pieris / Nursery stock / Flower removal / Energy distribution
5:46 - Topdressing / Establishing moss / Indicators for watering
8:25 - Boxwood / Japanese holly / Nursery stock / Repotting timing
9:42 - Virginia juniper / Repotting timing
10:58 - Deciduous / Ume / Scion grafting / Technique
13:50 - Biogold / Fertilizer application / Tea bags / Sphagnum moss
16:06 - Carpinus / Pinching new shoots / Maintaining node length
17:19 - Fertilizer application / Additional supplements / Homeopathic substances / Stimulate microorganisms
19:45 - Boxwood / Japanese holly / Initial repot / Foliage & root reduction
21:28 - Itoigawa juniper / Post-repot aftercare / Watering
23:22 - Diatomaceous earth / Soil substrate
24:05 - Larch / Removing algae & moss on bark
26:13 - Atlantic white cedar / Nursery stock / Nuances
28:37 - Shohin / Smaller soil particle size
30:54 - Stone pine / Elongating species identification
32:10 - Boxwood / Landscape material / Defoliate / Indicators
33:59 - Fertilizer application / Gas pedals / Frequency & quantity
36:37 - Lebanon cedar / Shedding old needles / Fungal issue
38:38 - Pomegranate stream / Finished tree image
39:04 - Cotoneaster prostrate rock / Nursery stock / Features to look for / Work timing
40:14 - Post-repotting / Unoccupied soil vs. root filled soil / Water & oxygen balance
42:24 - Bird’s nest spruce / Coarse surface root development / Loss of water holding space / Root removal
43:42 - Deciduous / Post-repotting / Cold protection
44:41 - Boxwood / Soil composition
45:43 - Limber pine / Repotting / Timing
47:18 - Olives / Twisting trunk / Counter-clockwise vs. clockwise rotation
48:42 - Fungal spray application / Daconil / Mancozeb
51:17 - Japanese black pine / Recent repotting / Root reduction / Needle browning
53:30 - Spruce / Bark removal around circumference / Death of tree
q&a xliii
apr. 30, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:31 - Hard water / Removing calcium deposits on nebari
2:44 - Azalea / Nursery stock / Holes on leaves
4:10 - Deciduous / Collected material / Soil composition / Diatomaceous earth
6:27 - Scots pine / Poor watering / Yellowing needles / Weak branches
8:29 - Broadleaf evergreens / Repotting from nursery container / Timing
9:46 - Birch / Care / Repotting / Nuances
10:39 - Smooth barked species / Big cuts / Contouring cuts
12:47 - Air layer / Water & oxygen balance / Plastic cover over roots
14:24 - Japanese white pine / Japanese black pine / Zuisho / Grafting (Follow up at 20:42)
14:49 - Chinese elm / Loss of foliage from storm
15:36 - Nursery stock / Repotting / Seasonal timing
17:02 - Air layer / Pumice substrate / Root growth
18:20 - Locust tree / Frost damage / Dead tips
21:58 - Single flush pines / Short needle vs. long needle / Maintenance / Refinement
23:35 - Azalea / Field grown / Thin trunk / Improving nebari
25:08 - Redwood / Trunk rotting
26:23 - Improving percolation
28:09 - Larch / Unused in japan
29:39 - Bald cypress / Refinement / Shorter internodes & increased density / Timing
31:32 - Madrona / Potential material
33:22 - Ficus / Fungal issue / Mancozeb application / Extremely small leaf production
34:41 - North california walnut / Trunk chop / Sucker growth from base / Development
36:07 - Hornbeam & beech / Forest planting / Trees lacking growth
37:23 - Pinus nigra / Poor root system / Candle elongation / Fertilizer application
38:40 - Mirai / Biggest losses
41:22 - Trident maple / Cold protection / Repotting at new angle / Seasonal timing
42:49 - Yew bush / Planted in the ground / Reducing clay from roots / Seasonal timing
43:45 - Compromised root systems / Fertilizer application
45:31 - Japanese maple / Trunk development / Fertilizer application / Indicators of fertilizing too heavy
46:57 - Vine maple / Collecting technique
48:12 - Azalea / Nursery soil / Transitioning to kanuma or akadama
50:17 - Larch / Creating foliage pads
51:55 - Collected material / Transition out of shelter / Indicators
53:38 - Grafting / White pine / Black pine thunbergii root stock / Water & fertilizer application
55:18 - Thread grafting / American hornbeams / Korean hornbeams
56:33 - Transporting trees / Technique
57:48 - Container selection / Deep vs. shallow pot
59:09 - Hokkaido elm / Air layer / Seasonal timing
1:00:20 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Pruning growth to new leaves / Timing
1:00:43 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Kingsville variety
1:01:23 - Broadleaf evergreens / Elaeagnus / Air layer / Wiring timing
1:02:57 - Broadleaf evergreens / Boxwood / Recent repotting / Browning & yellowing of leaves
1:04:09 - Broadleaf evergreens / Soil substrate / Solid akadama / Repotting timing
1:04:33 - Mirai / Managing the nursery
1:06:14 - Broadleaf evergreens / Wire bite
1:06:34 - Broadleaf evergreens / Coastal & cork oaks / Development / American south
q&a xliv
may. 4, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:54 - Crabapple / Seedlings / Three cotyledons / Whorled phyllotaxy
4:05 - Redwood / Bud elongation / Pinching / Rotting deadwood
6:16 - Yamagoke moss / Topdressing alternative
7:25 - Cork bark elm / Distorted new growth / Bad shoots / Fungicide application
9:48 - Kimura / Revolutionary design / Nuances
12:28 - Rocky mountain juniper / Recovering health / Wiring & pruning / Seasonal timing
14:21 - Multi-flush pines / Sunburned needles / Photosynthetic capacity / Pruning to the silhouette (Follow up at 16:29)
17:51 - Hedge maple / Sunburned leaves / Removing damaged leaves
19:08 - Dogwoods / Root pruning / Branch pruning / Timing
20:52 - Douglas fir / Collected material / Recent repotting / Aftercare
22:09 - Crape myrtle / Hackberry / Trunk chops / Cut paste application
23:03 - Japanese black pine / Deadwood creation / Apex / Preserving deadwood
24:05 - Loropetalum / Nursery stock / Soil composition / Repotting & styling timing
26:16 - Ponderosa pine / Collected material / Heavy fertilizer application to shorten needles / Pinching new candles
27:47 - Monterey cypress / Interior foliage loss / Root related issue
29:06 - Tamarisk / Collected material / Complete needle loss
30:31 - Larch / Leafed out in greenhouse / Messy foliage growth / Pruning new growth (Follow up at 33:15)
31:47 - Larch / Collecting flushed out material
34:49 - Modern soil substrate / Watering needs
37:06 - Subalpine fir / Similarity to douglas fir / Future livestream
38:24 - Japanese black pine / Growing in the ground / Timing
39:49 - Heavy fertilizer application / Timing / Seasonal application
41:19 - Root grafting stream / Grafting foliage below container
42:28 - Japanese black pine / Development vs. refinement
43:50 - Redwood / Pinching / Development / Thickening trunk
45:12 - Rocky mountain bonsai society / Demo tree
45:41 - Root grafting stream / Soil composition / Pure pumice
46:38 - Root grafting stream / Kimura upside down design
47:56 - Root grafting vs. air layering
49:05 - Air layering / Conifer vs. deciduous / Foliage beneath air layer site
52:21 - Root grafting vs. ground layering
q&a xlv
may. 17, 2018
Topics Discussed
2:00 - Corkbark elm / Curling / Distortion / Fungicide
3:47 - Collected material / Design / Compression vs. elongation / Masculine vs. feminine
6:12 - Japanese maple / Recent repot / Tips wilting / Sun exposure
9:21 - Deciduous / Broadleaf evergreen / Pruning / Technique
13:18 - Black pine / Shoot selection / New shoot production / Decandling
15:14 - Frankincense / Nuances / Development
15:52 - Organic fertilizer application / Biogold / White mold on soil surface
17:07 - Sumac / Calcium deposits on foliage / Cleaning / Preparing for show
18:42 - Elongating species / Species categorization / Definition
23:02 - Eastern red cedar / Twin trunk style / Design
25:52 - Garry oak / Misting / Leafing out / Adapting to full sun exposure
27:23 - Coastal oak / Minimal feeder roots / Collected material / Adapting to full sun exposure
28:46 - Lack of native moss / Showing without moss
29:58 - Rocky mountain juniper / Utah juniper / Repotting timing / Air layered material
32:00 - Diatomaceous earth / Soil composition / Species specificity
33:50 - Nursery stock series streams / Follow up
36:32 - Chinese elm / Moss growth / Preserving bark (Follow up at 43:58)
38:38 - Ficus / Bare root / Wooden box planting / Balance of water & oxygen
39:49 - Larch / Nursery stock / Weak growth / Strong buds near roots
41:33 - Lava alternative / Substitute / UK
42:42 - Douglas fir / Field grown material / Replanting / Tile technique
44:54 - Japanese maple / Nursery stock / Broken branches / Aftercare
47:30 - Podocarpus / Seasonal work / Timing / Similar species
48:22 - Wiring / Improving technique
49:56 - Wiring / Avoiding old wire scars
50:48 - Deciduous / Elongating species / Wiring / Timing