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q&a xlvi
may. 24, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:58 - Larch / Cut back / Timing / Color of shoots
3:24 - Rosemary / Air layer / Woody exposed roots
4:15 - Live oak / California juniper / Collecting material / Timing & indicators
8:40 - Maples / Pruning / Development / Thickening
10:57 - Frankincense / Nuances as bonsai material
11:50 - Pomegranate / Second flush of growth / Pruning / Timing
13:24 - Juniper / Scale / Indicators of effective treatment
15:39 - Japanese white pine / Removing flowering buds / Energy distribution
16:27 - Wisteria / Propagating / Landscape material
18:39 - Literati design stream / Design / Jin
20:04 - Literati design stream / Branches poiting up / Design flaw
20:29 - Literati design stream / Penjing style / Sparse foliage
22:05 - Raffia / Technique / When to use
24:47 - Lodgepole pine / Collected material / Recent repotting / Candles turned black (Follow up at 30:36)
25:42 - Young material / Development / Training trees while growing out / Trunk development
28:06 - Trunk splitter / Trunk chop vs. wedge cut / Trunk split / Technique
30:36 - Stink bugs / Treatment
33:54 - Japanese black pine / Candle pruning / Timing
36:12 - Black pine / Shohin / Small bud and candle production
38:18 - Juniper / Wedge cut
40:00 - Apex formation / Design
41:34 - Dwarf pomegranates / Finding better material
43:17 - Balance of water & oxygen / Indicators
44:59 - Cork oak / Major trunk chop / Hardened spring flush
45:56 - Larch / Nursery material / Weak health / Fertilizer application
q&a xlvii
may. 31, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:17 - Deciduous / Soil application
3:35 - Thuja / Wedge cuts
5:39 - Coastal redwood / Deformed foliage
7:56 - Scots pine / Post growth management stream / Pruning
10:45 - Air layering / Root health
12:50 - Japanese maple / Nebari improvement
14:44 - Radiata pine / Recovery options / Soil and root management
17:57 - Japanese pine / Species identification
19:30 - Pine / Mycorrhiza / Drainage
22:01 - Azalea / Post flower repotting
23:56 - Ponderosa Pine / Grafting / Foliage mass
25:29 - Bald cypress / Wiring
27:12 - Ponderosa pine / Candle growth / Needle dieback
28:43 - Willow / Repotting
30:43 - Japanese holly / Pruning
32:08 - Chinese juniper / Grafting
33:38 - Thunderhead black pine / Decandling
35:10 - Tropical content
36:17 - Gingko content
36:42 - Akadama / Deciduous
q&a xlviii
Topics Discussed
0:45- Hinoki / leaf color / tree health / weak branches
2:40- manage growth / juniper communis / pruning / needle juniper
4:00- Pomegranate / potting, temperature / length of dormancy
5:51- Wisteria / wiring
7:23- pests / leaf health / Chinese elm / damaged leaves
9:30- dwarf hinoki cypress / rock in muck / watering
10:55- Hedge Maple / partial defoliation / pruning, new growth, pinching
14:38- pruning / common juniper
15:26- Korean Hornbeam / branch health / pruning, root health / post flush hardening / bud growth
19:13- tropical / scale / oil / soap
20:20- defoliation / fertilizing / energy deficient
23:30- Sierra juniper / repotting / sap leaking / tree health
25:30- Hinoki cypress / reduction / repotting, soil
27:50- Douglas fir / lacerock / pruning / tree health / growth production
29:53- daconil / chlorothalonil / weatherstik
33:10- spring fundamentals / fertilizer application
34:45- Japanese Black Pine / pruning / candle growth
36:50- hawthorne / fertilizer
40:06- procumbens nana / percolation / roots
42:36- jade / potting / succulents / roots
45:15- Japanese maple / fungus
47:50- bonsai height
49:52- Dennis vojtilla podcast / internodes / growth / Dennis vojtilla podcast / growth / pruningll
52:41- dawn redwood / watering / potting
54:41- Yamadori Aspen / fertilizing /watering / pruning
56:27- sheen / hornbeam
58:08- root maintenance / soil hard
59:59- Parsoni Juniper / pruning
q&a xlvix
jun. 14, 2018
Topics Discussed:
2:55- Chinese Juniper / Styling
4:47- Giant Sequoia / Air layering
5:45- Portulacaria afra (elephant bush) / Basic care / Potting / pruning
9:20- Arakawa maple / Basic care / Branch die-off
11:28- Zelkova / Post flush pruning / Pinching / Partial defoliation
13:50- Deciduous / Hornbeam
15:40- European spruce / Holes / Borer
18:10- Fungicide / Pesticide / Protection tips / Lime sulfur
19:58- Post flush deciduous stream / Hardening
22:48- Coastal redwood / Deadwood
23:25- Watering at Mirai
24:38- Thuja / Encouraging growth / Refinement / Fertilization
26:50- Sabina juniper / Fungus
28:36 - Pinus sylvestris / Pruning
30:20- Juniper / Pine resource
31:37- Deciduous / Energy storage / Pomegranate / Pruning / Elongating species
33:42- Pomegranate / Roots / Collection
35:07- Flies / Pests
36:13- Pre-bonsai stock
36:45- Fertilizer teabags
37:47- Mancozeb / Juniper / Collection / Phomopsis
39:50- Air layering / Akadamas / Soil
41:50- Japanese black pine / Tree health / Fertilizer
42:57- Mirai transparency / Learning from failures
45.07- Root grafting / Azalea
45:28- Honeysuckle / Tree health / Pruning
46.29- Tropicals / Repotting / Coprosma kirkii
47.51- Japanese Black Pine / Decandling
48:43- Scots Pine / Needle Pruning
49:45- Nursery Red Pine / Decandling / Backbudding
51:39- Nolanders 2019
52:16- BSOP Rendezvous
q&a l
jun. 22, 2018
Topics Discussed:
2:10 - Deciduous / Fertilization
3:55 - Larch / Shari / Cut paste
7:06 - Pomegranate / Peach leaf curl
8:22 - Pomegranate / Air layering
9:26 - Scots Pine / Post-growth management
11:50 - Chinese Juniper / Yellowing scales / Tree health
16:05 - Scale / Mold / Maple
18:12 - Chinese Quince / Post-flush hardening / Thickening / Pruning
20:55 - Maple / Blackened leaves
23:45 - Thuja / Spider mites / Spraying
25:52 - Red Pine / Decandling
27:55 - Doug Fir / Yellowing / Pruning
28:50 - Boxwood / Yellowing
31:15 - Juniper / Summer
32:55 - Larch / Shari / Paste
33:11 - Bonsai as Art / Evolution of Bonsai
36:22 - Nematodes / Aphids / Crane fly larva
37:28 - Alpha Male Bonsai
39:53 - Black Pine / Decandling
40:52 - Deshojo Maple / Dieback
42:58 - Garden Juniper / Spider Mites
45:10 - Taxus Baccata / Blackened leaves / Burned leaves
47:55 - Japanese Black Pine / Development stream
48:28 - PH
50:04 - Doug Fir / Yellowing
52:50 - Chestnut Tree / Ramification
54:46 - Bonsai Professional
56:50 - Soil / Cottonwood / akadama
57:57 - Juniper Perfecta / General Care
59:54 - Black Pine / Watering / Summer / Decandling / Candle Pruning
1:01:44 - Spruce / Wiring
1:02:44 - Scoria / lava rock
1:03:15 - Chimapu Juniper / akadama / Fertilizing
1:06:13 - Design Fundamentals
q&a li
jun. 29, 2018
Topics Discussed:
1:00 - Reverse osmosis / Watering
3:23 - Oriental hornbeam / Stimulate growth
5:26 - Fertilization / Tea bags
8:05 - Watering
10:01 - Forest planting
11:30 - Japan Bonsai Spots
12:50 - Repotting Beech
14:46 - Scots Pine / Post-growth
16:51 - Hornbeam / Leaf spot disease
18:31 - Chinese Juniper / Thuja / Styling
20:05 - Foliar misting / Juniper
21:50 - Refinement / Pinching
24:09 - Reducing root mass
26:10 - Douglas Fir / Balsam Fir
28:12 - Japanese Maple / Branch Pruning
30:32 - Scots Pine / Needling
32:30 - Scots Pine / Development
35:12 - Chinese Juniper Needles
36:11 - Juniper / Pruning / Repotting
37:18 - Top dressing / Winter
38:54 - Top dressing Cultivation
41:12 - Deciduous / Refinement
45:21 - Japanese Juniper / Refinement
46:55 - Show Prep
49:10 - Douglas Fir / Dormancy
52:13 - Mirai family countries
53:28 - Japanese Maple / Wiring / Fall
q&a lii
jul. 6, 2018
Topics Discussed:
2:09 - Deciduous / Trunk chop
3:50 - Soil
4:53 - Spruce / Soil / Yellowing needles
8:10 - Fertilizer / Development
10:15 - Development / Fertilizer / Microbiom
11:25 - Repotting / Black pine / Health decline
14:50 - Sierra Juniper / Yellowing
17:16 - Cutting needles / Backbudding
20:30 - Fall fertilization
21:30 - English Yew prep
22:39 - Bald Cypress / Branch thickening
26:32 - Bark / Moss clearing
27:50 - Douglas Fir cuttings / High heat
30:45 - Juniper / Chinese quince / Ishizuchi rock planting
32:51 - Eastern white pine / branch removal
35:00 - Deciduous / Stump / Growth
36:00 - Garden creation
37:45 - Hook technique / Pre-formed hook
38:12 - Fertilizer 101 stream / Japanese Maple
41:00 - Multi-flush pine / Climate
42:58 - Rock plantings / Soil
44:22 - Moss / Industrial carpet
44:59 - Liquid fertilizer / Fish emulsion
45:42 - Bonsai books / Design
46:36 - Juniper / Prevent flowering
48:03 - Ficus / Post-growth management
49:16 - Mimosa development / Albizia
50:18 - Korean hornbeam / Weak apex
52:49 - Hinoki Cypress / General growth
53:28 - Fertilizer / Maximum growth / Salts
54:37 - Japanese black pine
55:05 - Douglas Fir / Second flush / Cut back / Prune
55:27 - Chinese Juniper perfecta / Post-flush hardened pruning
56:30 - Japanese pine / Decandling / Hemisphere transition
58:08 - Shohin stream / Bud growth
59:54 - Shohin stream / Repotting
1:00:42 - Shohin / Black pine
1:02:20 - Insecticide / Microbiome
1:03:11 - Vascular growth / Grafting
1:04:38 - Black pine / Spring shoots / Grafting
1:05:20 - Black pine / Shohin / Trunk chop
1:05:54 - Black pine / Shohin / Refinement / Cut back needles
1:06:24 - Bonsai spiritually / Podcast
1:06:55 - Peach leaf curl / Pomegranate
q&a liii
jul. 12, 2018
Topics Discussed:
01:01 - Pomegranate / Soil / Repot
02:09 - Hardening / Flush
04:47 - Giant Sequoia
06:01 - Beech / Whitefly larvae
07:31 - Oldest bonsai
08:19 - Chinese quince / Pruning
11:22 - Black pine / Spring / Pruning
13:32 - Seiju Elm / Pruning / Wiring / Repotting
16:47 - Pomegranate / Peach leaf curl / Treatment
18:16 - Fertilizer mix / Tea bag
19:48 - Mancozeb / Measurements
21:32 - Black pine / Needle health / Dothistroma
25:08 - Seiju Elm / Refinement
26:41 - Pests / Borer
29:08 - Air layering / Deshojo maple
30:38 - Lodgepole pine / Sugar ants / Pests
32:17 - Chinese elm / Ramification / Cut-back
34:42 - Shohin / Summer care / Shelter / Shade cloth
35:14 - Teabags
35:39 - Wood hardener / Micro-nutrients
37:53 - Hydrogen peroxide / Root health
39:33 - Approach graft / Hedge maple
42:37 - Growing field / Seigen maple / Dieback
43:53 - Korean hornbeam / Silverberry / Japanese larch / Pruning
45:03 - Black pine / Shohin / Needle cutback
46:03 - Red Japanese maple / Pinching
47:36 - Japanese Maple / Fall fertilization / Refinement
49:24 - Pacific madrone / Collection / Soil / After care
51:29 - Field growing / North Carolina
52:51 - Black pine / Soil
53:18 - Hydrogen peroxide
56:01 - Favorite bonsai trees
57:22 - Sticky traps
57:59 - Trident maple / aliette / phytophthora
q&a liv
jul. 25, 2018
Topics Discussed:
1:45 - Fertilizer concentration
4:27 - Deciduous / Refinement
6:27 - Austrian Black Pine Yamadori / Shari / Bending
8:43 - Development / Pot size / Growth
10:53 - Colorado blue spruce / Pruning
12:03 - Atlas cedar / Wedge cut
13:06 - Cuttings / Development / Root growth
14:10 - Japanese black pines / Developmental pruning
17:02 - Nematodes
18:29 - Japanese holly / Pruning
20:05 - Japanese yew / Bending
20:45 - Indoor to outdoor transition
22:23 - Copper fungicide safety
22:51 - Technique with shears / Breaking in tools
24:41 - Needle plucking / Multi flush pine
25:22 - Safe fungicide / Maple
25:56 - Broadleaf evergreen / Camellia / Pruning
26:56 - Collection in summer
28:19 - Shimpaku / Post repotting / Structure wiring
29:49 - Padding / Guy wire / Gasket rubber / Bike tire
31:24 - California juniper / Shimpaku maintenance
32:21 - Bristlecone watering
34:15 - Heavy carving
35:14 - Dwarf berch / Health decline / Dieback
36:40 - Ash junipers / Summer work
38:32 - Shimpaku / Soil
39:24 - Shimpaku / Health issues
41:03 - Coastal redwood / Boxing from nursery bag
42:34 - Spruce / Jin creation / Sap production
44:31 - Azalea / Nursery stock / Fertilizer
46:00 - Redwood follow up / Pinching
q&a lv
aug. 2, 2018
Topics Discussed:
2:06 - Fungus gnats
3:08 - Hinoki / Pumice / Soil
3:56 - Fertilization / Liquid / Pellets
7:22 - Mirai workshop / Rendezvous / Tree size
9:12 - Cleaning shinpaku / Procumbens
11:22 - Multi flush pine / Weakening / Decandling
12:57 - Hornbeam / Deciduous / Air layering
14:01 - Distributors
14:36 - High PH / Nutrients
17:48 - Black pine / Decandling
20:42 - Fertilizer / Pellet to liquid
22:30 - Formal upright / Sacrificial branches
24:55 - Seasonal air layering
26:04 - Formal upright continued
26:41 - Sabina juniper / Basic care / Repotting
29:03 - Pumice / PH
30:54 - Lime sulfur pros and cons
32:58 - Ryan’s time in Japan / Bonsai on a balcony
34:34 - “Yamayardi” / Collection / Blue spruce season of removal / Root reduction
37:12 - Collection in sand / Root care
40:12 - Japanese white pine / needle loss / mold / Topsoil removal / O2 issues
41:56 - Summer to fall care
43:20 - Botany class tips
44:54- Pinus sylvestris / Summer needle plucking
46:10 - Learning bonsai / Time management / Beginner tips
47:53 - Branch density / Compound leaf varieties / Chinese pistachio
49:47 - Austrian black pine / Pruning / Timing
51:20 - PH meter
51:48 - Jin development / Jin liquid / Wood hardener / Juniper
53:50 - Favorite european species / Taxis bacada / Mugo pine
56:01 - Pests / Pathology lab / Extension agencies
57:45 - Slab planting / Sphagnum moss
59:25 - Shinpaku / Seagreen juniper
1:00:20 - Shinpaku / Grey foliage / Spider mites
1:01:01 - Age / Living vs dead
1:02:26 - Shade cloth / Summer heat
1:03:30 - Horizontalis juniper / Basic care
1:06:30 - Splicing tape / Electrical tape / Grafting techniques
1:07:30 - Pine health in heat / Repotting
1:09:11 - Horticulture and bonsai
1:10:56 - Bending / Wiring
1:12:15 - Parsoni Juniper / Chinese juniper
1:14:41 - Juniper / Borers / Pests
q&a lv
aug. 10, 2018
Topics Discussed
1:40 - Blue spruce / Pruning / Timing of work
3:13 - Birds nest spruce / Bad health / Root bound
4:08 - Bending whips / Timing
5:53 - Pine / Needle plucking / Physiology
8:06 - Follow up from 3:13
9:47 - Creating redwood forest / UK
11:31 - Rough edges / Wedge-cut
13:20 - Shinpaku foliage / Remove or not
14:09 - Bald Cypress / Buttressing / Getting roots
15:25 - Current work / August - September
16:38 - Resecuring a tree to the pot
18:20 - Quercus robur / Pruning / Stimulate buds
19:53 - Trunk growth / Thickening
21:48 - Botrytis / Redwood / Treatment
22:04 - Florida live oak / Same as coastlive oak
23:09 - Phillyrea / Summer repot
24:25 - Juniper / Top reduction / Repot
25:54 - Fireants / Insecticides
27:26 - Juniper / Ill health / Diagnosing
30:35 - Pygmy cypress forest
31:30 - Root mealy bugs / Bald cypress
33:33 - Wedge cut / Species
34:50 - Juniper work / August
36:16 - Mancozeb / Deadwood / Coastal redwood
37:40 - Multiflush-pine / Decandling
39:13 - Sap removal / Bark
40:15 - Pitch-pine / Stump backbudding
41:05 - JBP August work vs. short needle single-flush work
41:55 - Decandled late / Young needles
43:24 - Ponderosa vs. Lodgepole in wild
44:11 - Kimura / Master or friend?
45:09 - Pines / Thinning / Timing
45:44 - Sticky cards /
46:41 - pHmeter follow-up /
47:55 - American elm / Promoting base roots