Ultimately we’ve joined the Mirai community to learn and grow as practioners. Well, let’s see the results of what you’ve learned, implemented, and obtained.
Decided to cut out structural flaws on my water jasmine since it’s indoors. It doesn’t like the transition, but the leaf drop does allow me to do some work. I’m addressing structure via wire while it’s easy to get into the branches.
This past year I did a 70% partial defoliation on it though and I’m happy with the results. Hopefully this will be the last time I need to set structure for a bit and I can move into a clip and grow model.
In the recent Blue Atlas stream Ryan explained how when wiring two well separated branches you should place the wire between the turns of the trunk wire. I had a ficus that needed wiring, so I used the tips from that stream.
After I wired the trunk from the base to the top, I wired the lowest left to the first right branch above. I wired the entire tree, bottom to top. No over lapping wires.
Nice work! I’ve watched the structural and detail wiring streams over and over. Great stuff in there.