Juniper showing browning

Hi all,

I have this procumbens nana and it’s expressing problems. The color is changing here and there. On the other hand it’s showing new healthy tips and new crotch growth. It’s been in this container for a bit more than a year now.

What are your thoughts?

I am a beginner so take it with a grain of salt.
Balance of water and oxygen is where I would start.

Pull the ferts, strip off all that green stuff so the soil can breathe. And so you can really see if it is holding too much water.
Some yellowing it normal but that seems like a lot.

Also that seems like a huge amount of fertilizer for that pot, but I could be wrong… Over fertilizing, poor o2 exchange and water quality would be where I started IF no pests are present.

Perhaps someone with more experience will chime in but we are having a very wet year here and that is really effecting things in a negative way.
What is your water quality and PH?

Best of luck


The first thing I would check for is spider mites. They are pretty common on junipers in summer.

I have one I bought last spring at auction. In a month it started doing the same thing. I could not find spider mites. I waited it out and this year it’s doing fine. I initially thought it was weather because I live in cold wet summer San Francisco and the auction was in blazing Sacramento.

This video is a bit long but very good and covers almost all the issues you may encounter with conifers

Good luck,


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This reminds me of junipers I’ve had with spider mites. Did you recently prune any of the foliage to expose inside foliage to the sun? Maybe a little sun scorch?

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Do you use neem oil on junipers?
Or do you recommend something else.
I definitely have spider mites on at least on juniper.

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Neem oil has worked for me. Just make sure when you use it, keep the juniper out of direct hot sun or the oil will fry the foliage


I use insecticidal soap which seems to help.


It was in full sun, but I took your advice and moved it!
Thanks again

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I’ve got several shimpakus like this with browning tips, not sure what’s up. Please advise

You could purchase a stereo microscope and have a look I recently had scale that looked like that. I looked on microscope and saw little green things running around and scale on leaves. Treated with chemicals. All good now

Right on man, thank you. What chemicals, if I might ask? I’m in California, I feel like we don’t have access to half the products mentioned by Ryan or in Mirai material.

I used malathion I made up a solution in a tiny spray bottle Mine was one tree in a forest so I just sprayed tip of tree with abnormal needles then I rechecked in a week with microscope All scale and insects dead dedicated