Hello all! I have done a thing!

I feel like this was my first big move! Every stage of taking this nursery stock and potting it in this pot felt familiar thanks to Mirai! I’m partnering with a local potter who is interested in making pots! She said she was inspired by our conversation! This is the result of that partnership! I’m also wondering what you all think! Would love to know if I’ve missed something? I watched Troy use sphagnum moss with roots on the spruce video the other week and am wondering if I protect them and attempt the same? Leave as is? I haven’t styled it! Waiting for next year!

A top dressing of shredded long-fiber sphagnum moss and local green moss is almost always a good idea to help keep the moisture level more even from top to bottom in the pot.

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I’d ask what are you hoping to happen with the exposed roots? A layering of spaghnum & akadama on the raised root areas could help, depending on the desired outcome.

Then I would second top dressing regardless of the answer above.

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Ah thank you both! Honestly the inspiration came from one of my favorite local bogs! I saw a Pagoda Dogwood growing out of a peat patch and the roots looked similar to the way I did it in the pot! That was the inspiration! Do we think it will compromise growth and life span if I dont dress the roots? In the photo the dressing is already on! Thanks for the feedback!

I think you will be happier to have the option to remove some as you see fit moving forward. Just keeping the option space open, while ensuring the health as this starts to grow, then you can exposes (slowly or all at once) what you want.

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That is a great tip! I see the sense in being able to have more wiggle room down the line!

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