
Hello everyone

I just finished listening to the last Mirai podcast “Battle of the Bonsaiclubs” and i heard some great news in it.

Ryan is getting married this weekend! (Maybe he already is at the point in time i am writing this… timezones etc…)

Ryan i know you like to keep your private life for the most part to yourself but these are fantastic news! And i couldnt help myself… Thank you for sharing.

I wanted to reach out via the forum as it is my best chance of contacting you and congratulate you on your marriage!

I wish you and your wife all the best for your future and may you always have the wind at your back and sunshine in your face! For the difficult times i wish that you and your wife always find the energy to support each other. And of course that you and your family have a long, prosperous and most of all healthy life!

Oh and i would also like to thank your wife for contributing to our bonsai way because behind each great man there is a great woman!

I hope this reaches you and sorry if i hijacked the beginner forum for this but i thought maybe others would also like to congratulate you via our common communication tool.

Wishing you all the best and hope you have a great party! Enjoy and best regards to you from across the big pond.



Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Congratulations Ryan and family, enjoy the celebrations and honeymoon? All the best on your journey together.