BCI and HBS Bonsai on the Bayou 2024

Wondering what MIRAI members will be in attendance at the end of the month, April 25-28th. The last Houston show, pre pandemic 2019? was with Ryan and Willy B, Boon among others. It was a great event also co chaired with ABS I think at that time. This year Sergio and Bjorn will be there with others. The Houston club has paired with BCI for the 2024 show. This bodes well for more vendors IMO. Looking to bend an elbow and put a name with a face? LMK. See ya there!

Fun times in H town.

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Demo night is always fun, as are the libations and big group hang out in the lobby bar for the PUB meeting after. Bjorn with a one seed juniper from West Texas. Sergio and BCI president Chen Chang with cedar elms collected from the South of Texas near Victoria and a Houston ficus for Min Hsuan Lo.