About the Resources category

This is the index for the vast information available across the Mirai ecosystems and the place where the team will post updates. Get answers to F.A.Q.’s, troubleshoot technical issues, learn about upcoming workshops and Q&A’s, provide ideas for future streams, stay on the pulse of things happening at Mirai.

This category is not a place to receive direct support from Mirai Live staff. It is a place for you to access resources to troubleshoot or find information yourself. In this category, the Mirai Staff will make announcements, provide links to pertinent Mirai Live info, and any indices from the wealth of knowledge that is Mirai Live.

Feel free to help each other through technical issues, or post ideas for future streams, but the main purpose of this category is to act as a bank for all Mirai-related knowledge.

If you have further questions, email support@bonsaimirai.com