Where to post questions for the forum stream?

When and where is the thread to ask questions for the weekly forum q&a stream?

hello @circleasylvan,
Below are the instructions; Forum Q&A is available to pro members in the APEX categories. The thread opens on Mondays morning at 8am PDT, so stay tuned!
• Please only include 4 photos in your question. Anything over 4 photos will not be included and if necessary I’ll use my best judgment to select them.

• You have 30 minutes after posting to edit your post. I will not include information from second posts.

• Forum Q+A is NOT LIVE STREAMED. It is SEPARATE FROM LIVE Q+A. All answers will appear in a video in a Library on Monday or Tuesday of the week after this thread opens.

The way this works: you post your questions (one per person) in this topic, which will be open until right before we film the Q+A. The first 20 questions will be answered in a weekly Forum Q+A video which will be released in the library. Questions from the Forum Q+A will not be answered at the Live Q+A–they are released in their own separate video.

This thread will open Monday morning at 8am PDT, and close when we reach 20 questions, or the morning that we film the Forum Q+A, whichever comes first.

The same regular Q+A rules apply - don’t flood the thread, be respectful, and enjoy

Hey @Diabolo , thanks so much for helping out!! I really appreciate it. @circleasylvan - I see you’re a Pro member so you just need to look in the Apex forum category for the current week’s Forum Q+A thread. The threads open at Monday mornings as Sonia said. You can always email support@bonsaimirai.com if you need help.

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