Two years of pot making

Hi thanks for the kind words. Interested to know how you think I need to refine my glazing ? Yes I do take some commissions but at the moment I’m super busy with works and a project for future customer. Watch this space.


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Almost three years of pot making now, so happy with this achievement shown in the pictures


Well done! Congrstulations Nick! Keep up the great work!

It’s really on another level, you found your style almost immediately and it’s beautiful. Keep on making!

Here’s a couple of recent pots I made


Man you are killing it! Great work! I would love to buy one of your pots do you have a web site? What cone are you firing these too?

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Coming to your favourite Bonsai retailer soon.

Thanks for your kind words

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So almost three years to the day I made my first pot. Today seven of my latest pots hit the Mirai store. Check them out.
An amazing journey and im so thrilled to be a part of the Mirai community of Ceramicists.


What an awesome journey and story, congrats on your success :partying_face:

WAAAAAHOOOOOOOOO this is INCREDIBLE!!! The time care and effort you put in is evident! I imagine wars could be waged over your Dragon Scale pot! Simply incredible!

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Well done! Congratulations to this feat!

Btw i love the dragonscale pot :wink:

A couple of detail photos


Please keep on sharing with us!

Wow awesome work, I just started taking classes and you’re giving me some good ideas and motivation! hopefully I can get to where you are someday.

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Beautiful work, Nick. If you don’t mind my asking, can you describe how you made the dragon scale surface textures? Did you fashion a tool to make the impressions one by one? Started at bottom and worked upward? I’m fascinated by what the process was.
Thanks for any elaboration.


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I did make a tool. Each scale is done by hand one by one. I hope you don’t mind if I don’t elaborate more. :grinning:

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No worries - thanks!

what techniques are you using? Slab? Mold?

I only use slab building techniques :grinning:


But I am now learning to Tame the Wheel