Trident Maple not breaking dormancy

Hello everyone! This is my first post on a forum, though I have been lurking here at Mirai for about a year.

I was hoping someone could help me figure out why my Trident maple has yet to push buds. I live in zone hardiness 6B, we are steadily seeing highs and lows between 40’s and 80’s F, and everything else I have has long since broken dormancy. The Trident seems to be drinking plenty of water, and a scratch test reveals lots of live green tissue. It spent the winter on the ground, mulched and in the center of the huddle of my other trees. I did repot it this spring, into a larger container to let it put on some weight and gain a bit more vigor.

This is the only Trident Maple I’ve ever had so I don’t know if they are typically late, but I would think no swollen buds by early May is abnormally late. This is also not unusual for this tree, it is always the last one to open, but I would say this is even later than normal.

Any feedback is appreciated, if you need better info let me know and I’ll try to answer.

If there are any other Trident maples in your area, nurseries or in your neighborhood, go check what they are doing. :+1:t2:

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I’m in eastern Washington state, my medium sized Trident isn’t even trying to push buds yet. Wintered outside, well protected. Coldest night…17F in March here.
A local member said his outdoor wintered Trident is the same. His greenhoused tree is fully leafed.
If you repotted the tree BEFORE bud push, and did much rootwork, that would REALY slow down buds also.
Patience grasshopper…
Post script… I DID just go out and look, the Trident is JUST popping 1/16" green buds… Some of the fine twig branching DID get frosted… Will make it easier to decide what to trim…

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Ok. Maybe what I’m experiencing is much more normal than I realized. I will have to look into other ways to winter my Trident. I didn’t know they were such babies about the cold! Thank you for your helpful responses.