I recently got hands on this taxus baccata and now i recognize some needle yellowing. If i see it correctly only last year needles or older needles are turning yellow. Nothing of this years growth. Do i need to worry or is this normal?
This is my first taxus and i am not really familiar with their behaviour. The tree is in a soil mix i am not used to and i have the feeling it is more compact that the standard mix we are using. Could this be a problem of too wet roots? I read that if the soil is too wet the needles should be turning yellow from the outside to the inside and not the other way round like it is doing in my case. Is this right?
I hope you guys can help me. Appreciate your help.
It is root related. I have three that have gone like that this year. You may be keeping it too wet. Yews are funny as they really like moisture around their roots but don’t like to be water logged. It’s a hard balance to find. At the moment in the UK we are having a heatwave so I am keeping them in the shade and whilst the yellow needles won’t go back to green, the new growth is normal colour. The funny thing is one was repotted and two weren’t so I can’t blame that either. May was a really wet month and that’s when it started.
Thanks for the help. I already expected it to be a balance problem. Would you consider an emergency repot in late summer or will this be more harmful than helpful?
I’m afraid of not finding the right balance and if so it could be really hard to keep this balance during fall/winter.