Redwood Structural Work?

Hey folks–

I have a nursery stock Redwood in a 15gal pot that I top-chopped earlier this year and cleaned of a ton of a bad foliage, and now has pretty much exploded in new growth throughout the summer, including multiple stems from the same points that are now hardened and almost lignified. In other words, it’s dying for its first wiring/major structural work.

I’ve watched all redwood content, and while Ryan is pretty straightforward about late fall being the best time for branch pruning re: buds, would this also apply with heavier structural work/creating initial shape/initial wiring? Figured now might be a good time since Redwoods build their vascular strength Dec-Feb for repairs.

Thanks for your input!

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Giant Sequoia Redwood (evergreen…), Costal Redwood, or Dawn (decideous…) Redwood? The videos deal with each. Watch them. Also, the QnA and Forum have specific info with each. Just have to dig.
When I bought my Swamp Cypress, it was labeled a Redwood… Had to ID it. Im glad its a cypress! I also have a forest of Dawn. No Sequoia… yet.



Whoops! Coast Redwood var. Aptos Blue. And yep, just misidentified something as a Dawn Redwood the other day but it was a bald cypress. Still working on my Tree ID!

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I think he’s mentioned that it’s a good time to do structural work on elongating species, especially if it’s healthy. They will put on lots of vascular growth and the fact that it’s still in a nursery pot should mean it’s should be able to bounce back from the procedure very well.

Also, I just did some structural work on a sequoiadendron giganteum and a metasequoia glyptostroboides (still don’t have a sequoia sempervirens yet)


Excellent. Thanks for your input, Nick!

I wanna say that you just missed the window. I can’t find the stream where Ryan mentioned the timing of the work, but I thought it was the first half of October. When do you plan on putting that into a pot? If soon (as in next year), I’d probably leave it alone.

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Yeah watching the fall wrap up he mentions not to do a lot of foliage reduction going into winter (which I would assume you would do with the structural work). Early fall probably would have been better.

Tobin will probably be fine since he’s in Southern California but I may have just rolled the dice farther north in Portland.

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Yeah I mean CRs seem to be a gamble in SoCal in general, but I’ll let it reset all through next year in the big pot. Then probably repot early 2022. Thanks, guys!