What did we all learn, like, dislike, want to know more about, etc?
In this stream, we featured an amazing and history-rich Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) on loan from PBM.
Our honored guest Peter Warren did an amazing job covering this incredible species.
Throughout the stream, Peter covered cleaning procedures and bud removal, pruning decisions and technique, pinching, wound healing (putty and foil application), and general yearly maintenance practices.
I am including a before and after image of this composition, and the stills from the stream (Courtesy of Aarin Packird/PBM) for everyone to critique, comment on, or appreciate.
WoW Ricardo!! I was shocked to see the nebari when Peter cleaned away the moss and soil!
I wonder it the PBM knew that there was a problem? Anyway, learning from other people’s mistakes is preferred over making all the mistakes myself.
I thought that the new angle and repair work on dead branches and old wounds closely directed the future tree that was drawn by Peter Adams!
Maybe not intentional, or maybe both artists recognizing the unique attributes of the tree. Will the tree be returned to the PBM or stay in intensive care?
Peter mentioned the demonstration of Bonsai San Show in Saulieu were he participated (1:49:50). Here are a couple of pictures that I took during that event:
Very interesting:
In the Maple-Book, page 123, Peter Adams said:“I plan to graft a large number of seedling maples to the root base within the next year.”
Im only new so I’ve been watching old videos so dose anyone know what that tool Peter was using to poke around the dead wood with it had a red handle in the middle of the tool???
Imported from Canada? Does anybody have any more information regarding the history of this tree? I’m extremely curious to know more about it. Is it collected material, nursery stock or seed grown? More importantly, who originally owned it?